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Vehicle Licensing and Registration
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A proposal for the benefit of Veeranjaneya Layout, Jayanagar Housing Layout Bharath Housing layout and Happy valley resident for bus conveyance. We request to consider to play some buses of No 378, 210 ND and 174 via these areas which will be beneficial not only the residents of these places but also the devotees of Padhuka Mandira and Prathyagere Temple.
regards -
speed braker urgently reqd03 Oct, 2017speed braker urgently reqdTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & Transportsudharshan vidya mandir school buses are using my 32 g cross road. one or tow or 10 buses are ok but there are more than 20 buses continuously using the road. the arrogance ofthe drivers and the school principal makes it harder to even move on the road during school days. please put speed brakers urgently at the entry, between and exit of the roads leading to the school.
Pathetic Road condition24 Aug, 2017Pathetic Road conditionTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportPathetic Road condition of Singena Agrahara road on the way to many apartments and Ebenezer international and Brookfield high school
Please help us -
Separate lanes for Cyclists & Electric Wheelers.05 May, 2017Separate lanes for Cyclists & Electric Wheelers.Transport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportBy making lanes for electric vehicles we can encourage the idea of buying these vehicles among citizens.Moreover people using them would feel more safe to ride / cycle in these lanes without bothering of other vehicles passing sideways with more speed.Electric vehicles are the future of Transportation as they can minimise the effects of Pollution.
All old vehicles & goods vehicle18 Apr, 2017All old vehicles & goods vehicleTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportDear sir
In peenya industrial town at morning time many old vehicles are used for transport passanger.they do not stop vehicles at signal and stop in middle of road for picking passangers.The drivers are very arrogant and in goods vehicle are also used to carry garments employes.Request to kidly take nessary action -
Silk board terminal13 Mar, 2017Silk board terminalTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportHi
Like Shanti Nagar / Mysore satellite bus terminal, why can't the Govt. setup an Silk board bus terminal by acquiring / getting an land leased to decongest the traffic. -
Bus Facility Between Silk Board and Hebbal10 Nov, 2016Bus Facility Between Silk Board and HebbalTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportThere is no bus facility between Silk Board to Hebbal after 10 P.M for emergency purpose also. Need at least hourly once bus transport facility between these two places.
Parking facility for two wheelers to encourage bus usage19 May, 2015Parking facility for two wheelers to encourage bus usageTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportHi,
From past three years we were using Hebbal trafic police station parking lot(Below the flyover) to park the two wheeler and commute to office in buses to encourage bus day and reduce the car usage.
All of a sudden from today police authorities are not allowing to park the vehicle in that region with a reason saying a vehicle theft has happened and they are unable to stop that.
I am really amazed to get a answer from a police authority.
If this is the situation in police station then we need to think i safe is other place to park the vehicle.
I request some authorities to have a look and provide some alterantive parking for office goers.
Ramesh -
Lorries and Auto Parked near Signature Gopalan Mall old madras road07 Dec, 2014Lorries and Auto Parked near Signature Gopalan Mall old madras roadTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportThere are Trucks and Autos parked near More Signature Gopalan shoping mall. This is causing heavy traffic during peak hours. No police are available during Peak hours,need a Pedestrian bridge and a traffic signal next to the Nagavarapalya main road which will surely help in reducing traffic congestion to an extent.
RTO Officers not working01 Oct, 2014RTO Officers not workingTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportI had gone to get my learners licence today. But after 12 the officers had stopped working because there was some celebration planned in the second half. This cannot be a valid reason to stop work, especially when there are people waiting to get work done. Today is not a holiday and so this is unacceptable.
SPEED POST NUMBER BY WHICH RC PAPER DISPATCHED IS INVALID, RC GETS LOST09 Aug, 2014SPEED POST NUMBER BY WHICH RC PAPER DISPATCHED IS INVALID, RC GETS LOSTTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportI purchased a new vehicle in May 2014 and it is registered at KR Puram RTO. The RC papers which had been dispatched by KR Puram RTO never reached me. The Speed Post Tracking ID which I got from the RTO is also invalid. Can someone plz guide me what to do.
Date of Dispatch from RTO :: 23rd May 2014
Date of Dispatch from Doorvani Post Office :: 26th May 2014 -
Are driving agents colluding with RTO?03 Aug, 2014Are driving agents colluding with RTO?Transport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportApplication of Learner's License has been made online now. After filling the form one has to submit it to RTO following which one has to sit for a written test. RTO has a total of 4 sets of question papers. People going through agents/schools are assigned a particular set out of the 4 available with them and they easily clear the test. People applying for LL without taking services of agents usually fail the test.
Can an RTI be placed to see the percentage of people failing the test who apply through agents versus people who apply without involving any agent to prove this in concrete? -
Lost papers during transit24 Jul, 2014Lost papers during transitTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportHi , I have recently shifted from Mumbai and during transit I have misplaced my bike documents, fitness certificate n insurance copy. Could I get a fir filed here and produce it in Mumbai rto as I don't intend to ride my bike back to Mumbai. I guess sending the bike via train is also doubtful as they wouldn't accept without registration papers.
Need assistance. -
why we dont have direct bus from Kamakya to jaynagar 4th block17 Jul, 2014why we dont have direct bus from Kamakya to jaynagar 4th blockTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & Transportkamakya residents feel always that we should have a direct bus from Kamakya to Jayangar 4th block. it is such a inconvenience for the people to trawel to banashankari then take a bus to jaynagar.
Road Blocked unnecessary infront for Eco Space, Bellandur30 May, 2014Road Blocked unnecessary infront for Eco Space, BellandurTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportThe middle road of the Bellandur fly over bridge is blocked for the past 6 months for the vehicles
coming from Maratahalli to Bangalore Central.
No work is going on in the middle road.
Request to open the road soon.
Difficult in crossing road at VijayabankColony Stop07 May, 2014Difficult in crossing road at VijayabankColony StopTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportIts becoming very difficulty to cross road at Vijayabank Colony (Sri Samayapuram Ashrama Stop)on the Ring road due to fast coming traffic, please provide a divider on both ways. Do the needful. Thank u
Request for Speed Bump at Vijaya Bank Colony Stop on Ring Road06 May, 2014Request for Speed Bump at Vijaya Bank Colony Stop on Ring RoadTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportIts becoming very difficult to cross ring road at Vijaya Bank Colony Stop on both ways. Requesting a Speed Bump to put there, to slow down traffic so people can cross road easily
Too Many Speed bumps and no indicators02 Apr, 2014Too Many Speed bumps and no indicatorsTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportThere is a lot of speed bumps from uthrahalli to konankunte cross. This has caused vehicles to slow down and also some accidents as there are no speed bump indicators. I think across the city please try to have reflectors or paint the speed bumps. It is very high risk to ride/drive in the city. This way atleast we can avoid some accidents and good movement of traffic. Everyone speeds up and then fall pray to the speed bump without notifying.
Non Receipt of Vehicle Smart Card26 Mar, 2014Non Receipt of Vehicle Smart CardTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportI have purchased a vehicle on Feb 10 and did the registration on 11 Feb. It was done at Kormangala BDA complex RTO by one guy from the vehicle showroom . Till now I haven't received the Smart Card. To whom should I contact for this and if there is any contact number please do share.
Removal of unauthorized vehicles from SFHS Layout, BTM 2nd Stage07 Mar, 2014Removal of unauthorized vehicles from SFHS Layout, BTM 2nd StageTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportRespected Sir,
We are resident of SFHS Layout, BTM 2nd Stage (behind MICO Layout Traffic PS) and we seek your speedy action on helping remove 5 nos. of unauthorized motor vehicles comprising of 3 nos. cars, 1 auto and 1 tempo traveler from our residential locality. These unauthorized vehicles are lying in this residential area for more than 2 years in a fully damaged and abandoned state causing security threat to the residents of this area.
To elaborate more on this injustice to the normal living conditions of residents in this locality, these old, damaged and abandoned vehicles are host to the numerous unlawful and shameful activities during both day and night. These vehicles pose grave threat to the growing children especially young girls and ladies who reside in this area as the situation is mostly very scary, awkward and embarrassing to walk and around in this area. The presence of these abandoned vehicles right next to the children’s park is causing the park to be unsafe for children.
I am attaching a few pictures taken on this ugly spot that can be referenced for your review and sincerely request your support to remove these vehicles from the SFHS Layout residential area.
Details of vehicles:
1. Tempo Traveler: KA 16 6701
2. Maruti 800: KA 03 N 634
3. Rhino Sonalika: KA 02 AA 2632
4. Cargo Auto: CNO 8375
5. Maruti Omni: KA 05 C 7153
Please update records24 Feb, 2014Please update recordsTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & Transportvehicles which have been transferred appear to be showing incorrect data on this site. Pleas update this site.
validity of noc issued for change of address from ka09 to ka 0110 Feb, 2014validity of noc issued for change of address from ka09 to ka 01Transport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & Transporti have shifted by residence from the area covered by mysore-west (ka 09) to (ka 01) bangalore- koramangala.
the certificate issued by the competent authority viz.,issued by office of the RTO MYSORE- West is misplaced during shifting.
please advise the path to obtain a fresh certificate. -
Beautification over Practicality.29 Jan, 2014Beautification over Practicality.Transport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportI have seen constant beautification on the ORR between K.R.Puram station to Silk board. Now they are having a nice median near to H.S.R.layout on the ORR. May be we should concentrate our limited resources to having a nice road than having a nice median. Even I see nice white lines drawn on small streets with good roads but the street next to it practically has no good road.
Why don't we have proper roads at signal crossing.29 Jan, 2014Why don't we have proper roads at signal crossing.Transport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportAs per my analysis traffic jams happen because of 2 issues.
1) Bad roads immediately after the signal lights.
Example: Take the example of NGEF signal (on Old madras road). Immediately after the signal the BEML railway track makes few vehicles to cross the signal then usual. Say instead of emptying 100 vehicles from the traffic signal only 50 vehicles are emptied making traffic snarls of 1km.
2) Whenever there is merger and de merger of traffic.
Example: Traffic coming from K.R.Puram going towards Indiranagar and traffic coming from K.R.puram station going towards Hebbal. In this case merger and demerger happens in just 100mts. Same is the case with traffic from electronic city to silkboard here it is approx to 300mts.
In some cases the wide road becomes narrower making traffic jams.
The road from Begur to Bomnahalli is in a real pathetic stage, to cover just 3 kilometers it may some time take 1 hour in the morning. The road is very small, no proper foot path, heavy vehicles are allowed, autos are carrying/shuttling with 5 to 6 people.
In addition to this there is no divider for the road which will make the road choke up every time.
Concerned authorities, Kindly take necessary action to improve the situation on this road.
Potholes on the road from Isro layout to Outer Ring Road07 Dec, 2013Potholes on the road from Isro layout to Outer Ring RoadTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportThe road from Isrolayout to Outer Ring Road is very bad with full of pot holes and unscientific humps.
Request the authourities to look into this issue at the earliest.
Sensible Traffic Control required during emergency06 Dec, 2013Sensible Traffic Control required during emergencyTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportThis afternoon around 12:30- 12:45 PM(at Bomanahalli Bus stop,Hosur road) I saw an Ambulance stuck in Traffic jam. Not sure whether it was manual or automated,as I was at Bus stop,Signal just opened for appx 20-30 seconds and Ambulance still in, it jammed again.
Sincere request to Taffic control system to allow/help Ambulance to pass during Traffic jams in anyway.
Dated: 6th dec, 2013 -
Formal Calculation for Road Tax from Other state car28 Nov, 2013Formal Calculation for Road Tax from Other state carTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportWe would like to know when is the formal method to calculate road tax and other charges while registering outside state car in Karnataka.
Also how is depreciation of vehicle calculated.
I searched RTO site but no information.
Please help. -
Licensing special vehicle and driver22 Nov, 2013Licensing special vehicle and driverTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportI cannot walk, and have therefore got done my car modified so that it can be driven by hand now. How can I get both a driver license and also get the vehicle certified? What are the documents required?
The mybmtc website is saying V-335EN bus route from Nelamangala to ITPL but this bus is not operating.
I had applied for NOC for my bike in Jayanagar RTO for two years of stay in Hyderabad for studies. They did give me the NOC, although I am pretty sure they closed my bike's account and transferred it to Hyderabad RTO. In this case if i go back to Bangalore I would have re-register my bike and my number would be changed which I do not want. What am i supposed to do regarding this situation?? I have also paid life time tax in Bangalore.
Road infront of Om Shakthi temple in Jeevan Bhima nagar (near Jeevan bhima nagar bus stand) always blocked by various people for conducting Music events /festivals/Temple/Church functions .This is causing severe problem to the residents .
Requesting concern authorities to look in to this . -
Till one month back, there was not that much of traffic pile-up on the road to KR Puram from Hebbal on ORR. Now, traffic jams are regular feature and the traffic is piling-up right from Kasturi Nagar.
This is almost consuming 1 hour of commuters time to and fro. Can Authorities look into this?
One suggestion is to stop all non transport HTV on this road in busy hours. Make Public transport and private vehicles not to stop more than 30 seconds at Tin factory and KR Puram stations. This can ease commuters pain. -
RC Card not recieved17 Sep, 2013RC Card not recievedTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportMy vhecle no is KA51EG4104 purchaged in the month of July. Still i have not recieved my RC Card. Please help..
Peak hour Jams near Bellandur, Devarabisnahalli and start of Bellandur petrol bunk service road02 Sep, 2013Peak hour Jams near Bellandur, Devarabisnahalli and start of Bellandur petrol bunk service roadTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportIt’s been more than two months and I always encounter very slow moving traffic during peak hours. I travel till Devarabeesnahalli flyover from Silk board.
What is the use of building big Flyovers if we can't ensure smooth traffic movement? I feel tax payers money got wasted by building such big flyovers and still face bad traffic conditions.
Places where I encounter slow moving traffic -
1) start of service road on ORR which goes towards Bellandur petrol bunk and also on Main road.
2) Near and under Bellandur flyover junction. Service road is in Bad shape and always there is slow moving traffic near this junction.
3) On service road from Bellandur to Devarabeesnahalli flyover and also on other side of the flyover which goes towards Eco space. Under Devarabeesnahalli flyover there are almost 8 incoming ways towards junction. Even with 2 traffic control persons its difficult maintain steady flow of traffic.
First of all the service roads are in bad shapes and when there is water logging due to heavy rain, traffic condition worsens. Please fix up these service road ASAP.
I would like to appreciate the effort put in by traffic persons to maintain this humungous traffic during peak time. Thank you all. But with little more sensibility we can ensure better traffic flow at all these places.
My suggestion is why can’t we make both side of SERVICE ROADS ONE-WAY from start of ORR(Sarjapur signal) till Devarabeesnahalli junction. This will solve most of the traffic issues. With service roads being one way one can ensure at least better traffic movement during high volume vehicular movements.
Vehicle number plates28 Jul, 2013Vehicle number platesTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportHi, I want to know where I can get High Security Registration Plates done in Bangalore. Is it mandatory?
I notice that this website is showing 2 violations against my car number, while i check with police its not there. Can you tell me if the website is not up to date? -
Bad traffic due to bad roads28 Jun, 2013Bad traffic due to bad roadsTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportCommuting from ITPL to KR Puram circle is a challenge during normal office hours, Due to new appartments and new office building either side of Whitefield road and Mahadevapura commuting in these roads during office hours is a challenge.
If we take BMTC bus at 6PM we will reach only by 7.30 to KR Puram, Please find some alternatives to this place. -
BMTC Website is highly unusable24 Jun, 2013BMTC Website is highly unusableTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportIt is extermely difficult to find Buses between two points with the current website
Transfer of Ownership of KA01EF523402 Jun, 2013Transfer of Ownership of KA01EF5234Transport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportI had transferred my Honda Unicorn Bike Bearing registration number KA-01-EF-5234 to Mr. VijayKumar RB on 30/4/2010 . However still the bike is being displayed on my name . Request you to please change the ownership of this bike on Mr. VijayKumar's name. I have attached the Transfer of ownership page on the RC book of the Bike.
Transfer of vehicle ownership30 May, 2013Transfer of vehicle ownershipTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportI soled my car almost a year back & the new owner also got required documentation completed for the transfer of car ownership, however the website still shows me as the owner of the car.
Current Owner Registration details not reflecting24 May, 2013Current Owner Registration details not reflectingTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportDear Team,
I sold my Scooty pep+ to Nupur Tibdiwal of Koramangala on 12th March 2013. But when I am checking the RTO site (http://btis.in/rto) it is still reflecting my name where as Nupur has already registered her vehicle with your dept. How much time does it take for the current details to reflect. I am attaching current owners details for your kind information.
Thanks and Regards,
Babylon -
Ownership Transfer not reflecting on BTIS Website24 May, 2013Ownership Transfer not reflecting on BTIS WebsiteTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportI have purchased a second hand i10 and ownership transfer formalities have been completed with Indira Nagar RTO. Still, on the BTIS Website, previous owner name is displayed. Could you please rectify it or let me know what is the process to get it changed. Vehicle Registration Number: KA03MJ8124
Allowing heavy vehicles23 Apr, 2013Allowing heavy vehiclesTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportTraffic police should not allow heavy vehicles inside the city. In Kadugodi, Whitefield area a lot of heavy vehicles are entering 24 hrs. It should restrict to enter from morning 6 to night 10.
Flyover needed at Silk Board (at Axa building right cut from BTM layout)13 Apr, 2013Flyover needed at Silk Board (at Axa building right cut from BTM layout)Transport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportI am living at silk board bank of baroda .. Why there is no plao construct flyover in silk board there is huge traffic ,how delhi has constructed flyover at AIIMS and dhaula kuuan same ucan ,, wheecle is producing so much noise and smoke .. why cannt goverment can give contract to same company which delhi has given and construct flyover at silkboard.. why cant alternate road at lake side to electronic city . why you have stopped right cut from AXA i have to take 2 km round because of U turn.you have to provide subway at silk board you are taking indias hihest road tax and at the end of the day worst service ..plase do construct flyover at silkboard immediate basis
Frequency of buses to Doddakammanahalli25 Mar, 2013Frequency of buses to DoddakammanahalliTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportPlease increase the frequency of buses from Majestic and Market to Doddakammanahalli,Banneraghatta road.
hi!its nice to see live traffic through your camera,one will be great near tin factory cross junction as there is often traffic jam here ,installing a camera here may help cops clear traffic as and when required and can help commuters to get live update of traffic .thanks
Tax payment by Axis Bank DD11 Feb, 2013Tax payment by Axis Bank DDTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportThe Hospet RTO staff refusing to accept Road Tax by Axis Bank DD stating that DD should be from Nationalised Bank or any other Gramin Pragathi Banks.
Our company is having Axis Bank account and we are unable take DD in National Bank or Gramin Pragathi Banks.
Kindly adbvise us in the matter.
Thanks & Regards,
Keerthi Nartayan HN
Manager- Admin
GMR Infrastructure Ltd.,
E mail : Keerthi.Narayan@gmrgroup.in
+91 9686999548 -
Updated details not available on the site21 Jan, 2013Updated details not available on the siteTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportThis is in reference to the vehicle details on the btis site. Once the vehicle ownership is transferred, the details are not updated on your site.
+91-9845401113 -
Vehicle Records not updated19 Nov, 2012Vehicle Records not updatedTransport DepartmentRoads, Traffic & TransportRespected sir/madam
The vehicle record which is put up is not updated. it has been almost 1 and half year i purchased my bike. but i cannot see the details on the website.
i hope you update the list as soon as possible.
Thanking you,
with regards,
Santosh B G


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ash.mahesh@mapunity.in, Accepted, Jan 17, 2018