
Remove School and Temple OR Remove the Trimurthi Bar05 Feb, 2013Remove School and Temple OR Remove the Trimurthi BarBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEducationThe Bhavani School and Bhavani Temple (4th Main, Bhavani Nagar, Gavipuram Extn., Bangalore - 560019) OR the Trimurthi Bar, which is just 100mtr from this School and Temple - how can any area have BOTH? This Bar & the Bar's customers have been affecting residents and school children and devotees, but no action is taken, I hope and wish the upcoming ethical candidate take some action and establish law and order in this jurisdiction with reference to subject.
Its been a huge problem of not getting any broadband connections in kalkere, not even BSNL......its not only me but many neighborhood people has the same problem, there are many houses here and still no broadband connection....... please do something of this problem......
Connecting the community with user contributed knowledge-wiki.08 Oct, 2012Connecting the community with user contributed knowledge-wiki.Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEducationEvery community needs a way to coordinate the flow of information between its members. I propose the creating of a knowledge-wiki to connect the various volunteers and general public on different issues. The Content is "of the people/by the people/for the people" i.e. community generated. Community volunteers keep information up-to-date Investment is minimal Example: At the recent "Save Our Lake" meeting at Somasundarapalya pamphlets were printed out giving list of officials, contact numbers. Apart from being easy to displace the pamphlets can't be updated. They're also costly. Extending the concept ward-wise names, designations and contact numbers of departments and officials concerned with various issues would be a good starting point. The wiki - being easily scalable - need not be restricted to just contact-list but can become a user-contributed repository of knowledge at onebengaluru and related areas. As an individual I'm currently evaluating existing wiki hosting solutions for NGOs and communities like onebengaluru.
Education to Children of Construction Workers05 Jun, 2012Education to Children of Construction WorkersBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEducationHi I would like to bring to your notice about plight of children of construction workers in and around J.P Nagar 8th Phase and Gottigere. Since it’s a developing area There are lots of construction work under progress and many are big apartments by noted builders but they have failed to provide basic minimum amenities to these Laborers and their children , it pains to see the kids wandering on streets. 5 year old kids are made to take care of his\her younger sibling As their mother will have work and there will be nobody to look after the kids. Please help me on this , at least there should be a daycare for these kids .
Footpath encroachment06 Jun, 2011Footpath encroachmentBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEducationFruit vendors have taken over the footpath and also portion of a main rd(Pottery Rd) resulting in health issues, traffic hazards and loitering of unwanted elements in a predominantly residential area. Efforts with BBMP and Police have not been successful.
There are open man holes on the road, some man holes are damaged and causing life threat to the residents commuting on this road. Me and a pillion rider on my scooter got injured because of the damaged man hole. Few months back my neighbor, a 14 year kid died on the spot when a speeding canter van hit him when trying to avoid the open man hole. Who is responsible for these deaths and injuries? BBMP and BWSSB should take immediate action to close these man holes.
From last 3Months we are Facing lot of Problem due to Sanitary, the water all comes inside the House, so plz See through the issue
We from facility team from Dell India pvt ltd., want to bring to your kind notice that, there are lot of stray dogs found in our campus. These dogs might harm our employees or our employees might harm the dog. We want these stray dogs to be rescued and taken to your office.
Hoping that you will extend your timely support.
Street Dogs are a concern06 Apr, 2011Street Dogs are a concernBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEducationsince few months, the stray dogs are getting increased. Kindly take genuine action to cut down the number of dogs in the area. In the night times its even more scary.
This is to bring to your Notice that Still the corporation Engineers are very back, hope they dont want our country's economy to increase and bring down the Revenue. some 25 years back which they had laid the swerage pipes , today they are laying the same size. Why dont they lay a big pipes so that they never replace again for another 50 years. Same expenses only the sanitary pipes cost increases. I suggest the govt should immediately stop the contract and think over this issue and ask them to lay bigger pipes of 2 ft minimum. there is a saying "Sow a seed today and earn a fruit tomorrow. " For the benefit of every citizen. I understand the engineers and the contractors does not want to happen. you know the reason.
Mohammed Asghar. -
water,UGD, Traffic Issues, lot of problem with roads and footpath22 Mar, 2011water,UGD, Traffic Issues, lot of problem with roads and footpathEducationPlz do the needful for all above mentioned issues
"work for the citizens, live for the citizens and take seniors advice irrespective of party". -
As I have been assigned this new Ward 62 Ramaswamy Palya as Civil Defence Divisional Warden request one and all to kindly enroll into Civil Defence which is free of cost and you can get yourself trained in First Aid and Fire Fighthing. More details join cd_volunteers on

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