
Seetharampalaya Lake12 May, 2021Seetharampalaya LakeLake Development AuthorityEnvironment & Public SpacesTo whomsoever it may concern,
I a citizen of Bangalore would like to bring to your notice that Seetharampalaya Lake located in EPIP Zone behind SAP Labs in Whitefield, is in the verge of drying and dying out. The lake needs to be revived to maintain the ecosystem in the locality and preserved for the future generation. Kindly find attached the photos of the lake past and current for your reference and action to be initiated. -
Hi street park timings till 8.30 PM like before13 Feb, 2019Hi street park timings till 8.30 PM like beforeBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesRequest you to extend the park timings post 8.30. As most of us are working members we come from nearby areas to the parks. but they close by 8.00 pm nowadays.
Fencing work for pipeline near Vasantha pura main road ward 19706 Jan, 2019Fencing work for pipeline near Vasantha pura main road ward 197Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesFencing work has been started from Vasanthapura main road (Ward 197) towards CITI engineering college. But it is left out on the other side of Vasanthapura main road just about 300 meters. This pipeline area is used for wrong purposes like dumping garbage and heavy truck vehicle parking. We local people struggled to clear the garbage dump area and finally cleared. Just I wondered why this particular small area is left out from the fencing. Could you please give the details of whether the project funding includes fencing for this area also. Please get this fencing done for this area, otherwise it will be dangerous for the water pipeline as heavy truck vehicles are parked here.
Illegal construction in 3rd right alfa garden ,ayyapanagar,kr puram25 Jun, 2018Illegal construction in 3rd right alfa garden ,ayyapanagar,kr puramBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesBuilders are illegally construction in open spaces and on road.It will vbe very dangerous .They are not following minimal norm as well.
Sewage water flowing into Puttenahalli lake04 Jun, 2018Sewage water flowing into Puttenahalli lakeBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesWith every heavy rain, the manholes on Nataraja layout road open up which brings the sewage water into the storm drain that flows in Puttenahalli lake.
This has caused all the fish to die in the lake and give the lake a not so clean look. -
Chikkabanavara Lake getting polluted11 Feb, 2018Chikkabanavara Lake getting pollutedEnvironment & Public SpacesChikkabanavara lake is getting polluted with plastic and other waste material by illegal settlers who have settled right next to the lake.
Flex on every light pole14 Jun, 2017Flex on every light poleBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public Spacesthe ward is filled with full of flex on every light pole , so much of non bio- degradable substance and after paying so much of tax we are made to see unwanted things forcefully.
do the BBMP give authorization for all this ? -
WATER POLLUTION IN ULLAL LAKE28 Aug, 2016WATER POLLUTION IN ULLAL LAKEEnvironment & Public SpacesRespected sir/madam, so many days over the ullal lake was polluted with drainage water and its stinking very badly and also so much off algal blooms appears on the surface of the water if it is leaves like that, that will be problematic in future kindly take a immediate decision and clean up the lake.
Thanking u sir/madam -
Air Pollution25 Aug, 2016Air PollutionBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesIt would be advisable that the polluted smoke ejection from vehicles should be strictly taken into task, irrespective of whom the vehicle belongs too (that applies even if it is an 'Ambulance'). Either the vehicle has to go get serviced or switched off and be off roads permanently. Please do not target randomly for those vehicles which are not polluting and those in need. This is sincere request to the police officials.
24*7 Noise from PGs in my neighbourhood09 Aug, 201624*7 Noise from PGs in my neighbourhoodBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesHello,
There has been a complete nuisance created by PGs around my area, the noise is 24*7, though we have warned about the situation, there has been no measures taken by the guys who run these PGs are all of them are illegal.
We are about 10 owners who are residing here surrounded by 3 PGs, we are ready to give a hand written complaint to abolish such nuisance around us.
there at least has to be rules and regulations which are strict and stringent on these PGs so that the families around live a peaceful life. -
Raja Kaluve Demolition08 Aug, 2016Raja Kaluve DemolitionBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesPast 4 days we are extreme tension due to BBMP decision on Raja Kaluve, which is NOT built on this road. It is actually next road where raja Kaluve actually should be but changed by some rich builder who has bribed BBMP. I have bought this apartment 4 months back and have all documents approvals from BBMP itself.I will never let BBMP Demolish my only home, apartment which is NOT illegal. I have reached out to PM of India and hope we all get justice.
TROUBLE FOR AREA PEOPLE12 Jun, 2016TROUBLE FOR AREA PEOPLEBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesDear Councilor, We the residents of papiah garden of Ganesh Mandira ward B.S.K 3rd stage because of "Krishna Dharmika Sabangana" a choultry running in a residential area from many years. We have been patiently trying to get a solution with the management with respect to noise of the orchestras, washing utensils at 4am, running catering orders and also parking horns. Since it is very close to all residential plots any serious damage like fire accidents. Lot of senior citizens reside sround who have serious medical issues and due to these issues people cant even have a peaceful sleep. Please take suitable action against them and bring an end to this menace by cancelling their license immediately. We expect justice from you at the earliest. Sundarmurthy - 8277365063
Drainage overflow and bridge Construction01 Jun, 2016Drainage overflow and bridge ConstructionBangalore Development AuthorityEnvironment & Public SpacesRespected Team.,
I resident of Zonasha Vista apartment on Haralur Road, want to bring in notice of Drainage water overflow and bridge construction overdue. Request you to kindly consider this as the drainage water is creating hazard and problem in commuting.
Thanks and Regards,
Anurag Srivastava -
Rajakaluve near esteem mall blocked08 May, 2016Rajakaluve near esteem mall blockedBangalore Development AuthorityEnvironment & Public Spaces1) dumping of mud around the boundaries of the lake facing defense area.
2)there is a canal ( facing the defense area) transferring sewage water towards Nagawara. this canal runs under the small bridge that connects Hebbal flyover and Bellary road near esteem mall. the canal near esteem mall is blocked as some construction is going on. this work has the sewage water collect in the canal near the lake at threatening level which will overcome the tank bunds and spill into the lake.contaminating it with the frothy foam and raw sewage.
3) its been 2+ years that Hebbal lake has not seen any migratory birds like - pelicans nesting in the island of the lake due to pollution.few building/ apartments have come up around the lake and letting out sewage into the lake.
4) lake fence ( facing the OOR from under the flyover area towards esteem mall bus stop) are tempered and broken / destroyed. men enter these area to urinate and also there is garbage thrown in the lake bund.
5) Earth movers dumping mud around the boundary. they enter thru the broken compound wall of the BDA property.
Mori bus stand vegetable vendors25 Apr, 2016Mori bus stand vegetable vendorsBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public Spaceshi,
The tavarekere mori bus stand vendors dump all the waste into the the big open drain . Being it summer, we do not face any blockades, but in another two months, the ditch will be full and there will be no passage for water . Concerned teams take care -
Lake being destroyed due to Sewage plant15 Apr, 2016Lake being destroyed due to Sewage plantBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardEnvironment & Public SpacesThe Somasundarapalya Lake is filled with the discharge from illegal houses and from the KCDC plan nearby. Lake is dying and needs immediate cleaning and fencing on all sides. A walkway around the lake and development of lake itself will transform this area from a slum like look to Bangalore's smart locations.
Please plant seom Tree saplings on the road side for a cool environment and rains15 Apr, 2016Please plant seom Tree saplings on the road side for a cool environment and rainsBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesOn one side of the road, there is KEB power lines - On the other side of the road the TREE saplings can be planted
Ward 89 had lot of trees. Please plant tree saplings to create cool and shade for pedestrians.
Plants helps rains and also keeps the environment cool. -
Weak Tree branch touching our office building on yogananda Paramhamsa road in indiragar double road13 Apr, 2016Weak Tree branch touching our office building on yogananda Paramhamsa road in indiragar double roadBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesTree branch touching our office building is weak and may fall on people and cause problem during rainy season. There is a transformer too very closeby. need to cut that branch urgently.
This tree is in the median of Yogananda Paramahamsa road opposite to site No.204 (next to lakshmivilas bank)
Contact No. 08042115694
encroachment of storm water drain (rajakaluve) at 26/4 and 26/2, Kodichikkanahally- Madiwala Lake04 Apr, 2016encroachment of storm water drain (rajakaluve) at 26/4 and 26/2, Kodichikkanahally- Madiwala LakeBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public Spacesrajalaluve nearly 20 guntas (Half acre) Sy.No.26/4 and 26/2 is encroached by Builder/Land lords. Revenue map uploaded by Land records of Govt of Karnataka, accessible from http://landrecords.karnataka.gov.in/revenuemaps/lakesurvey.aspx, clearly shows the encroachment. Kindly look in to the issue
Pollution of Neglected Doddabidirakallu lake24 Mar, 2016Pollution of Neglected Doddabidirakallu lakeBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardEnvironment & Public SpacesThe Doddabidirakallu lake near Hesarghatta 8th mile junction has been neglected over the years but now the situation here at the lake is worsening due to untreated inflow of sewage ridden with a toxic concoction of industrial heavy metals and also nearby apartments disposing off its sewage. Also there is a garbage collection ward where the garbage is supposed to be segregated but the garbage contractors are either burning all the garbage or are negligently dumping. Also the sewage treatment plant here in a namesake and nonfunctional.
The corporator is not responding to the residents issues. And the situation is taking a turn to worse. -
Lake Being Killed18 Feb, 2016Lake Being KilledBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesHi ,
I am working In Bagmane World Technology Centre, Of late I have noticed people trying to kill the lake by filling sand. They have fenced the lake so that people from the road are not able to see it. I believe ths has to be brought to the notice of the authorities -
No parks and ground for children12 Feb, 2016No parks and ground for childrenBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesDear Sir please be informed that the area is Beside Nagavara -Govind pur start from glass factory signal to the end of the road it will go to railway track and RT Nagar back side road
Almost 4 private schools are running but they don't have proper facilities inside the schools due to more value for the space
HKBK college is look like hotel and resorts its look good they are maintaining the standard
If you check Govind pur main road and inside roads in this area trees are not planted properly and mostly all the area is dry no park no trees and no play ground for children
My request to check this area and do the needful for the kids and old age people
Your action will be highly appreciated
Over Grown Tree25 Jan, 2016Over Grown TreeBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesThere is a threat from the over grown tree on 18th Cross Road, 16th Main, BSK II Stage, which has spread branches across the street affecting 4 houses ( House No. 828, 827, 846 & 847). This tree has not been trimmed ever since it was planted 42 years back. Its roots have spread across the house no. 828 affecting the water level and obstructing entry to the house.
Tree has dried branches which may be broken due to monkey menance. It will either fall on the road or damage any houses mentioned above. It took 3 months for BBMP to clear earlier broken branch.
We have been requesting the authorities to remove the huge tree and help us plant new sapling and conserve environment.
Objection for giving electric connection to our neighbour for using looms at Hosa Road, G.K Layout19 Jan, 2016Objection for giving electric connection to our neighbour for using looms at Hosa Road, G.K LayoutBangalore Electricity Supply CompanyEnvironment & Public SpacesI am here by giving an objection letter for not arranging power supply to my neighbour (Old meter no: S11LG-15956), who is residing adjacent to our house by constructing new house. She wants to use the building for looms under small scale industry in residential area (G.K Layout) on 13th cross, Chowdeshwary temple road, Surrounding to that home, so many children are studying in school, Aged people are residing near the same. Hence please enquire with the surrounding people and do the needful to the people.
Too much noise pollution by Welding shop27 Dec, 2015Too much noise pollution by Welding shopBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesI stay in kishorsaga2 apts, behind subramanyapura police station. There is a welding shop near our apts who starts his work by 6-7am..the noise from the grinder,hammering is soo much , you don't get to sleep at all even on Sundays..
people have created hut in Lakedew Lake,26 Dec, 2015people have created hut in Lakedew Lake,Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesPeople have created huts and using lake campus to stay there illegally . few others has started fishing illegally .
the lake was renovated recently . its situated on silver country road just opposite to purva skydale .
i request you to please take appropriate action and save our lake -
Illegal Temple constructed on the Conservancy lane and Encroached the Main Vrishabavathy Valley demolishing the main drainage wall by the Temple authority25 Dec, 2015Illegal Temple constructed on the Conservancy lane and Encroached the Main Vrishabavathy Valley demolishing the main drainage wall by the Temple authorityBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesDear Sir,
This for your kind information and immediate action as an Illegal Temple constructed on the Conservancy lane and Encroached the Main Vrishabavathy Valley demolishing the main drainage wall by the Temple authority.
Illegal Construction Address :
Structure of the Constructed Temple Name is : Muthu Mariyamma Temple. 2nd Cross, 6th Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010.
Next to the Main Drianage Bridge
Land Mark. Near to IBP Petrol Bunk, Dr. Rajkumar Road 80ft, Road,
Ward : Sri Ramandira Ward, | Police Station : MAGADI ROAD,
Ward Number: 108. Ward Name: Sri e Ward Ward Area(SQKM): 1.06. Assembly Constituency: Rajajinagar
Present : Councillor : Deepa Nagesh. -
Heavy noise pollution by the Srinivas welding shop in the residential area01 Oct, 2015Heavy noise pollution by the Srinivas welding shop in the residential areaBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesRespected Madam
The residents of 9th Main 1st Cross Manjunatha Layout Munnelolala are under great mental pressure due to heavy sound being generated by the Srinivas Welding shop. It is working in residential area from 0600 hours to 2230 hours. All the residents are in great distress. Kindly look into the matter and help us by shifting the shop in industrial area or to any other isolated location. Thanks -
Burning of garbage on Eagles Street20 Sep, 2015Burning of garbage on Eagles StreetBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesGarbage is regularly burned on Eagles Street, Langford Town, and also inside the premises of Agarwal Hospitals, No. 15, Eagles street, Langford Town, Bangalore-25
Sewage pollution Fish dying in Kammasandra Lake near Electronics City on NH720 Sep, 2015Sewage pollution Fish dying in Kammasandra Lake near Electronics City on NH7Bangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardEnvironment & Public SpacesMost residential layouts and apartments are pumping sewage to Kammasandra lake , in addition to dumping of solid wastes and construction debris.
Several complaints have been filed regarding sewage pumping and pollution of Kammasandra lakes to KSPCB, BMRDA and the builder of residential layout “Daadys Builders and Developers, HSR Layout” who refused to set up a sewage treatment plant for the layout housing 600+ families ( in place of a non functional temporary one set up as an eye wash to sell the plots initially ) . KSPCB in turn sent notices to Builder, Panchayats and BMRDA to take action. Nobody bothered to respond. All nearby apartments and residential layouts including Ananthnagar layout around 2 km upstream have been pumping all their daily wastes to the same lake.
http://nammakere.org/2015/09/20/kammasandra-lake-follows-other-bangalore-lakes-a-slow-death -
Dumping of Construction Waste in Yelahanka Lake17 Sep, 2015Dumping of Construction Waste in Yelahanka LakeEnvironment & Public SpacesTrucks have started dumping construction waste in Yelahanka lake near Kogilu Signal
Need to Shift the flow Lake water mixed with Sweage water16 Sep, 2015Need to Shift the flow Lake water mixed with Sweage waterKarnataka State Pollution Control BoardEnvironment & Public SpacesI am Kavita, residing at H No 9, Srinivas Colony 5th Cross, Arehalli, AGS Layout.
There is a Lake Beside my House and this Lake water is continuously flowing touching my House Plinth. This is causing DAMAGE to our House Plinth.
The Sewage water from 3rd & 4th Cross is let out to this Lake. This Lake Water STINGS badly and this polluted water is causing Health Problems to all my Family members.
My husband Avinash Kumar has already raised concern to BBMP Ward Engineer (Devegowda) by giving a Application as a Complaint Request 3 months back. Also he has been following up often and sent SMS to Devegowda as a reminder to look into this issue. But still no Action has been taken by any of the BBMP Officers.
I am requesting you Shift the flow of this lake water. Please solve this issue with a Higher Priority and help us stay Healthy in our House.
Lake Encroachment03 Jul, 2015Lake EncroachmentBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesIt’s happening right in front of our eyes and we simply cannot ignore. This lake is being filled day by day and almost 20% has already being encroached. And I am sure by 2020 there will be a building over it and another IT park. They also have some drainage pipes connected to make it even worse.
This refers to the garbage collection area inside the golden jubliee complex ,near command hospital ,where the speed of waste clearance is good ,there is sweeping daily ,but the issue that pricks me the most is the burning of leaves.
DEBRIS DUMPING ON ROAD SIDE19 May, 2015DEBRIS DUMPING ON ROAD SIDEBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesWe stay in Dwarka Nagar on Uttarahalli Kengeri Main road.
Builders started dumping debris on both sides of the road from Poornapragna Layout to Patalamma temple which is creating health hazard and road is getting narrowed blocking the serenity
Is there any authority to check this control ?
Garbage and Solid waste near lake07 May, 2015Garbage and Solid waste near lakeKarnataka State Pollution Control BoardEnvironment & Public SpacesMallathahalli Lake is filling with polluted water and solid waste.
Please take action to clean the lake. -
Potential encroachment of Hebbal lake14 Apr, 2015Potential encroachment of Hebbal lakeKarnataka State Pollution Control BoardEnvironment & Public SpacesOpposite the crematorium the Hebbal lake is being prepared for encroachment by unscrupulous persons who are setting up a selling place for frames and windows of dismantled houses.
Burning of Plastic waste in open Ground surrounded by residential homes.12 Mar, 2015Burning of Plastic waste in open Ground surrounded by residential homes.Environment & Public SpacesWeekly thrice garbage collected in the munivenkatappa layout bilekahalli 3rd main is burnt in adjacent vacant ground. Causes suffocating fumes all around the residential areas.
encroachment of small lake (kola) bed and adjacent public utility land.11 Mar, 2015encroachment of small lake (kola) bed and adjacent public utility land.Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesThere was lake and adjacently public utility land of about 2.5 acres together behind MN Polytechnic on the Kammagondanahalli main road towards Abbigere. It falls within the Dasarahalli ward.Until three/four weeks back, it was filled with garbage. Suddenly, the land is filled with mud to make it plain land and convert into private utility. I have heard that a PIL is applied, but of no use. People in power in this area are involved and are moving ahead very fast.It is based on what I have seen and heard. Please inquire and do your best to save it.
Save Junnasandra Lake10 Mar, 2015Save Junnasandra LakeBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesDear Sir/Ma'am,
I am a resident of KPC Layout, Kasavaahalli (Ward No:150). KPC Layout is near Junnasandra Kere. Almost from 3-4 months, we are seeing some people in a jeep with food waste which they used to dump in lake to feed pigs. Now those people started getting tractor full of plastic waste dumping it in the lake.
Please find the images attached, of Junnusandra Lake . The residents of our layout take pains to segregate and hand over the garbage to BBMP garbage collectors, so that we don't litter the surroundings but in this photographs, one can find a tractor dumping a load full of garbage including plastic and such materials into the lake site. That tractor driver is getting the waste from outside and dumping it near our layout.
2-3 months back approximately 500sq.fts of area was covered with food waste and plastic. Now it has become 2000-3000sq.ft of land piled up with plastic. Some times they burn these heaps that contains plastic, too. The wind brings all those plastic and such light materials into our layout and thus the adjacent area in our layout resembles a dump yard.
Please advice us as to how to go about in this matter.
Bellanduu Sewage drain halted by Goyal builder27 Jan, 2015Bellanduu Sewage drain halted by Goyal builderBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardEnvironment & Public SpacesThe goyal construction near bellandur lake has stopped sewage drain, which is causing pollution in lake water and transferred polluted water in yemalur lake drain. Please resolve the issue by opening bellandur lake drain near goyal lake view project.
A large mound / heap of DRY WASTE25 Dec, 2014A large mound / heap of DRY WASTEBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public Spaces
In our campus" Trinity Acres & woods" at the backside playground oneside everyday dry waste is getting heaped, sometimes it gets burnt polluting environment. I raised this issue many times on your website as well as on BBMP but nothing has materialised so far. -
How do we stop Sewage entering Varthur Lake28 Nov, 2014How do we stop Sewage entering Varthur LakeBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardEnvironment & Public SpacesHi, we have formed a sub group to help with the efforts to clean up and rejuvenate Varthur lake. THis group is a subgroup of Whitefield Rising. I see that no volunteer is tagged to Varthur lake here. I can be the point person if that works. Looking forward to compare notes with the experts here.
Elan -
Hulimavu Lake02 Nov, 2014Hulimavu LakeKarnataka State Pollution Control BoardEnvironment & Public SpacesRespected Sir/Madam,
Can we maintain our Hulimavu Lake...??? -
Garbage collectors encroachment and pollution of Basapura Lake29 Aug, 2014Garbage collectors encroachment and pollution of Basapura LakeBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesA huge colony of Garbage collectors have encroached on the lake bed of Basapura Lake next to Duo City. They are sifting through garbage and throwing garbage into the lake and polluting the lake severely. When we try to ask them not to throw plastic into the lake they threaten us. We need the lake to survive here and request help from you to clear encroachments from these garbage collectors and garbage mafia.
loss of green area and natural habitat24 Aug, 2014loss of green area and natural habitatBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesUnderstand that skyscrapers are going to come in what seems to be the only remaining green patch near jalahalli cross on SM road at what is seen as coconut grove on google map. Can citizens stop such monstrous conversion of natural habitat to unsustainable concrete ?
Vanishing Lakes27 Jun, 2014Vanishing LakesBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesI have enjoyed the view of lake behind our apartment (Uma Sree Dream World, Hosur Road, Kudlu Gate Signal) just two years ago - a beautiful water bodies with water borne plants, and flocks of various birds crossing over from our balcony! alas today the lake has dwindled almost by 60% and now a 'beautiful' huge plots are visible! How??
overnights dumping of debris by tipper lorries, loose and solid soil waste, levelling and fencing - happen by the time you wake up from sleep! (acknowledge and appreciate the swiftness of this gangsters!)
I am sure the water body here would have been at least 5 times more than now as visible from the buildings nearby!
who in the governance has visionary thinking for our children? I guess the land mafias - builders, authorities, bureaucrats, corporators, the other pillars of judiciary all are naive ! - waiting for one NGO to act or one RTI activist to fight and pursue and making their lives miserable by the procedural delays and dismissal and so on.
Can't they do it on their own volition to stop such "terrorism" for protection of the community? see the photographs attached. Why can't they ban absolute construction in such vicinity? these gangsters pass rules and bye laws , allow people to violate over the years for personal gains and selfish motives, bring amends like 'akrama sakrma' - to regularize(one more channel for additional pocket money and again multiply their personal wealth) we know how many new unauthorised and violating buildings and extensions came up in the last one year by the time the govt , judiciary and NGS delayed the notification from the legislative date of 2009 to notification date - wonderful mega Sattaiadi on law abiding citizens!! and this is such a vicious nonsense!
Perhaps we will save crores of tax payer money if we disband legislative assembly, all authroities, rules and bye laws and the judiciary!!
Let us live as Nomads of muscle power! -
Need for a movement to bring back Greenery30 May, 2014Need for a movement to bring back GreeneryBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesThere is an immediate need to bring back greenery in Bangalore and put an end to mindless construction. We need to strike a balance between development and environment. Bangalore is no where close to be called as Garden City. The only place where there is greenery is in CBD where you have government and army establishments. Earlier there used be a mandatory rule to have a park in very Ward. I dont see that strictly followed these days.
Saul kere lake01 May, 2014Saul kere lakeBangalore Development AuthorityEnvironment & Public SpacesDoes anyone know what is happening at Saul kere lake ?
See lots of dumping of mud in the lake bed area from nearby construction project. There is also a posibly illegal water boring and tanker supply business running.
Seems like a land grabbing case by some land builder.
Saul kere is the lake behind eco space on outer ring road on one side. On other side it has adarsh lake front and wipro corporate office .

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ash.mahesh@mapunity.in, Accepted, Jun 14, 2021