Visvesvaraya Nagar Welfare Association (R)

In Ganga Nagar

The association is working since 1984 covering HMT Layout, R T Nagar which falls under 3 wards Ganganagar ward - 20, Hebbal ward - 21 and Manorayana Palya ward - 33.
It is a Well organised and most active Association. It is also a member of Triward Welfare Associations Federations of Hebbal Constituency (Wards 18,19, 20, 21, 22,33, 34 and 46)and a member of CAF and civic bangalore


Address : Sri Gajanana Seva Mandali Premises, 4th cross, HMT Layout, R T Nagar, Bangalore- 560032

RWA Central is a directory of citizens' organisations in the city. Here you can list your Resident Welfare Association or similar body, and can also use this directory to find other neighbourhood organisations in your ward and other nearby areas. Your directory listing will be shown on the appropriate ward page within this website.