
Speed Breakers to be installed21 May, 2019Speed Breakers to be installedBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & TransportPlease kindly install speed breakers, speed limit boards, No horn boards in 3rd Cross, HRBR Layout 1st Block, HRBR Layout, Kalyan Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560043.
Google Map location:
Google location:
13.017839, 77.645039
We are more than 100 people living near in the adjacent road also there two schools near the junction. Speeding vehicles have become very dangerous to the surrounding people (walkers) and elderly people crossing the road. Since it is a junction there is continuous honking.
Please install speed breakers in the 3rd main road near the Mori Junctions as well as please put speed limit boards and no horn boards.
Please kindly do the needful.
Aditya -
More Buses Please: From Dodda Nekkundi (Towards Hebbala) To Chikka Banasawadi (Towards Ayyappa Bakery)06 Aug, 2018More Buses Please: From Dodda Nekkundi (Towards Hebbala) To Chikka Banasawadi (Towards Ayyappa Bakery)Bangalore Metropolitan Transport CorporationRoads, Traffic & TransportBuses from marathalli / Doddanekundi to CMR institute of management Studies in Chikka Banaswadi Road
Timing(s) : 7:30 AM -
borewell supply discontinued02 Apr, 2016borewell supply discontinuedBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardWater SupplyPeople residing in Ashwathappa layout are facing the acute shortage of water since 2 months,as water supplied thru bore well has been discontinued since 2 months,as the corporation water supplied on Wednesday And Friday is insufficient, pls help us
There is no power supply in Banaswadi main road, please look into it at the earliest. There is no schedule for power cut in this region today as per ypur website.
Garbage Collection & Dumping04 Jul, 2015Garbage Collection & DumpingBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationHello, Garbage is not being collected on regular basis from apartments and houses in the OMBR Layout area. This leads to people dumping garbage on road sides and other public places. We have not had garbage collected from our place for over a week now.
garbage and blocked open drains21 Apr, 2015garbage and blocked open drainsBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationThe garbage collectors are dumping garbage in the open drains and burning them... causing lot of smoke and also last year because of the blocked drain in our street water has entered houses..... 5 th c cross SUBBANYAPALYA ramgopal layout banaswadi main road.... people just throw the garbage in the main road... the drains were not properly laid just here and there ..... causing the drains to overflow too..pls addreess this as soon as possible ....too much of mosquitos too
Road conditions26 Jan, 2015Road conditionsBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & Transportterrible road conditions near palace guttahalli road & banasavadi road & laggere(near ring road) road . we are facing severe problems daily
Problems in vacant site06 Jul, 2014Problems in vacant siteBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeSafetyMy family resides by the side of the vacant site No 420, 8th Main road , 1st block ,HRBR layout .The entire site is occupied by bushes, rodents and snakes. Almost everyday we see number of snakes moving around the bushes in search of rodents. Kids play along on the same road which is very dangerous. It is frightening to see the snakes of different sizes in this vacant site. Also people throw garbage covers during night times. I sincerely hope the corporation will take appropriate action
In HRBR 1st block 8th main the Storm water drain in getting polluted with Sewage water.The whole area is affected by this Stench and its causing health hazards. To add to stench , garbage is dropped near the drain.
This is a decade old issue and many complains have been made but still no improvement.Staying close to a sewage filled drain affects health of elders and kids. Is there anybody who will care for the Aam Admin's health and hygiene of environment? -
I am residing on HRBR 2nd block near BESCOM office, near to my house on 3rd cross ,5th main on the road side the people's are dumbing garbages and no one is cleaning the area regularly so that reason we are facing so much of health problems due to Mosquitos , rates , snakes and etc. and the rainy season also started the problems are increasing day by day.
Sir, I here by request you kindly do the need ful at the earliest. I am also attaching the photo graphs.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely . -
Please increase the 500df and 500DB bus frequncy17 May, 2013Please increase the 500df and 500DB bus frequncyBangalore Metropolitan Transport CorporationRoads, Traffic & TransportPlease increase 500db and 500DF bus frequencies. If one has to travel from kasturinagar to ITPL, one has to change 2 buses before reaching ITPL because of low frequency of direct buses. Currently, the change of bus is as follows: Bus 1 from Kasturinagar to Tin factory, Bus 2 from Tin factory to Hope forum and Bus 3 from Hope forum to SAP labs.
cigrette nuisance12 Mar, 2013cigrette nuisanceBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationHi, I am resident of 3rd A Main, OMBR Layout, near CMR College, Chikkabanswadi and I am leaving here for the past 10 years. Earlier this place was calm & a pleasant place to live especially for the elders. After the completion of the college, it has became a nightmare around my area as the college student stand in front of the road blocking them, smoking & chatting. Since my father is a cardiac patient, he is finding really hard to breath with these guys continuously smoking & talking loudly. This has become a health hazard around this area. I request the concern department to take necessary action before it is too late
HRBR 1st block 8th main - Open Storm water drain12 Mar, 2013HRBR 1st block 8th main - Open Storm water drainBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardHealth & SanitationThe open storm water drain in HRBR 1st block 8th main has been repeatedly causing this area unpleasant to reside.No action has been taken even after repeated request. Sewage water is getting mixed in the drain which is causing health issues for residence. With elections round the corner can we expect this to get resolved.
HRBR 1st block 8th main - Garbage dumped12 Mar, 2013HRBR 1st block 8th main - Garbage dumpedBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationGarbage is dumped at different pockets of HRBR 1st block 8th main. Right from the beginning of the street and also where there are three road junctions garbage is dumped. If there is a health office for this area they should come and visit and see the difficulties residence are facing.
This has been complained many a times and no action is taken.
With election going to happen shortly will anybody help the residence from this health hazard the garbage dumping is causing. -
The manhole in P.N.S.Layout 1st cross is broken from past 3years12 Mar, 2013The manhole in P.N.S.Layout 1st cross is broken from past 3yearsBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardHealth & SanitationThe manhole in P.N.S.Layout 1st cross is broken from past 3years and tempervary covered with stones makes difficult for the vehicles to pass. Please attend to it ASAP . And even the street light in this road is connected to a switch ,people try to connect by the two wires which is very dangerous . Please get this attended on priority .
Convert Open storm water drain to walking park25 Feb, 2013Convert Open storm water drain to walking parkBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationWith elections around the corner will this issue be addressed? Residents have been asking for closure of this drain and if possible convert this to a park for many years. If the health inspector visits this street they will know the resindets' difficuly. More that 250 houses and approx 750 ppl reside here. The open storm water drain in HRBR 1st block 8th main is causing untold health troubles to the residents. Sewage water is getting mixed in the drain and the air we breathe is polluted.To add to the drain stink garbage is also dumped on the three road junction of this street. Please address this long pending issue.
lack of street light and not safe for women07 Jan, 2013lack of street light and not safe for womenBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & TransportIn ORR(BANASWADI AND RAMAMURTHI NAGAR SIGNAL BUS STOP), No of Street lamps should be increased. These area are not safe for women who are travling by BUS at night.
Traffic problem near Ayyapa Temple03 Jan, 2013Traffic problem near Ayyapa TempleBangalore Traffic PoliceRoads, Traffic & TransportRespected Sir,
There is a heavy traffic congention near Ayyappa temple and Pancha Mukhi Ganesh Temple during peak office hours. -
Rowdy elements in banaswadi29 Dec, 2012Rowdy elements in banaswadiBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeLaw & OrderDaily rowdy elements gather near banaswadi bus stand every day creating nuisance and teasing passerby women and teenaged girls are scared to walk around even at 7.00 pm and the land lord is not bothered to set things right kindly keep it confidential and help us out.
Garbage Dumped on Open Land in Banaswadi26 Dec, 2012Garbage Dumped on Open Land in BanaswadiBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationGarbage dumping on private/open land near the street corner is a major problem for the the residents in the lane. We represent from Mariam Nilaya Convent Road, 5th 'A' Main,banaswadi. We are not able to commute in this lane as the garbage dumped in the open land is spreading on the road. School children and passerby are mostly effected. I request the concerned authorities to look into the matter on priority.
Ever since BBMP has taken over the road in 3rd Across Ankanna Reddy Layout has not been tarred, there is no drain, no Bwssb Pipe line no Garbage collection Street lights. there has not been a single development in that area especially ANKANNA REDDY LAYOU BEHIND BANASWADI BUS TERMINUS. Kindly do the needfull.
residents. -
Open Storm water drain21 Nov, 2012Open Storm water drainBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardHealth & SanitationThere is a huge open storm water drain in HRBR 1st block 8th main. This open drain emits a untolerable stink.This is making it very difficult for the residents to live in this area. Every time we step out of the house we have to close our nose i.e we should not breathe until we come out of this street. The mosquitoes have also increased due to the sewage water. And this has caused many cases of dengue and malaria in this area.The residents who are staying immediate to this drain are heavily affected. We parents are praying and taking utmost care of kids/elders who are already affected and also taking preventive actions what ever possible at home.
Fencing the drain and fogging are only temporary solutions for this problem, this drain has to be covered. We visited the nearby Kasturi Nagar where this drain in closed and maintained as a walking park. The same way if this drain can be closed and converted to a walking park we will be safe. -
Need tar road and water29 Oct, 2012Need tar road and waterBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & TransportThe road condition in the 4th cross of Chikkaramaiah layout is not good. If rain comes water is getting stop in front of the houses and if any vehicle goes bit fast water is splitting into the house. After getting road dry another problem starts with the dust. due to this dust, kids are suffering with health problems like cough, cold and etc. There is a tar road till 2nd cross of chikkaramaiah layout after that there is no tar road. Can you please make a tar road to stay us comfortable. Another major problem is with water. we got a BBMP pipe line long back and not yet started the water supply. Can you please start the water supply as quick as possible.
garbage collection on 2nd cross doddabanaswadi17 Oct, 2012garbage collection on 2nd cross doddabanaswadiBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationThis is to inform you that we are facing the problem of garbage collection opposite to our office because of garbage collection we are getting mosquito bites and we worried that Dengue is spreading. Please take action on this and please send garbage collectors to clean it up.kindly accept this complaint and take action over it.
Insufficient Street Lights28 May, 2012Insufficient Street LightsBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeCity AmenitiesThere is insufficient street lighting on 1st Main Rd, Gopal Reddy Layout. Pls do the needful. Also, there are 2 vacant sites (opposite to the cement depot) on this road and are v. poorly maintained. Its frequently used for urinating and the stench is untolerable.
Garbage Cleaning in HRBR 2nd Block05 Feb, 2012Garbage Cleaning in HRBR 2nd BlockBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeCity AmenitiesThis is to bring to the attention of the authorities, that the garbage cleaning is done once a month is HRBR 2nd Block inspite of repeated complaints to the authorities. No action has been initiated even after the CWA of HRBR 2nd Block met the corporator Mr Padmanabha Reddy too.
Request the authorities to please take action and have the Health Inspectors inspect on a daily basis to keep the area clean.
Citizen of HRBR 2nd Block
There are many stray dogs in our colony , VIJAYA BANK COLONY EXTN. It is very difficult to walk on these roads during early morning or nights. Anjan, VBC Extn, 2nd B cross

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ash.mahesh@mapunity.in, Accepted, May 22, 2019