
More Buses Please: From Binny Mill (Towards Sirsi Circle) To Hanumanthanagara Ward Office (Towards Srinagara)03 Aug, 2018More Buses Please: From Binny Mill (Towards Sirsi Circle) To Hanumanthanagara Ward Office (Towards Srinagara)Bangalore Metropolitan Transport CorporationRoads, Traffic & TransportI need bus for going to college
Timing(s) : 8:00 AM -
Public dumping Garbage on street08 Jan, 2015Public dumping Garbage on streetBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationPeople are dumping garbage corner of the street making it unhealthier environment as well the cattle gaze around to eat these garbage resulting in dung all around the places making slippery rod, people slide around the road while walking and driving, also regular cleaning is not done.
Request to take action, or setup a dust bin here:
Affected area:
Panchala Ankanna lane, near hanumanth temple, Manavartepet, Ward 120 Cottonpete -
building demolish20 Jul, 2012building demolishBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHeritage & CultureShetty muddanna lane , 1st cross near sri yellamma temple in this place the old building it should be demolish for more details contact Mr. R. Jayavelu Mobile: 9448937449
Signal lights dont work22 Feb, 2012Signal lights dont workBangalore Traffic PoliceRoads, Traffic & TransportSignal Light before Halasuru Gate police station for traffic coming from SP Road doesnt work.

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