
Paedestrain crossing required at HBR layout mini forest along outer ring road11 Apr, 2019Paedestrain crossing required at HBR layout mini forest along outer ring roadBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & TransportPaedestrain crossing bridge required at HBR layout mini forest along outer ring road. Over bridge is required. more people cross ring road to reach 4th block. The traffic density on the outer ring road is more than normal making it very difficult to cross the road and adding to risk while crossing the road.
More Buses Please: From Govindapura Cross (Towards Arabic College) To Kaval Byrasandra (Towards RT Nagara Police Station)12 Oct, 2018More Buses Please: From Govindapura Cross (Towards Arabic College) To Kaval Byrasandra (Towards RT Nagara Police Station)Bangalore Metropolitan Transport CorporationRoads, Traffic & Transportno buses available ,please provide the buses for going or returning back to govindpura main road
Timing(s) : 9:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 8:30 AM, 8:00 AM -
More Buses Please: From Jn of Nagawara (Towards Nagavara) To Military Bridge (Towards Domlur Bridge)17 May, 2018More Buses Please: From Jn of Nagawara (Towards Nagavara) To Military Bridge (Towards Domlur Bridge)Bangalore Metropolitan Transport CorporationRoads, Traffic & TransportMany people go to EGL from manyatha tech park.If Bmtc runs buses from nagawara to EGL towards indira nagar and shivaji nagar will help people and employees to reach their destination without changing 3 or 4 buses.
More Buses Please: From Jn of Nagawara (Towards Nagavara) To Rani Saraladevi High School (Towards Jayanagara TTMC)21 Oct, 2017More Buses Please: From Jn of Nagawara (Towards Nagavara) To Rani Saraladevi High School (Towards Jayanagara TTMC)Bangalore Metropolitan Transport CorporationRoads, Traffic & TransportHello bmtc authorities,
I request you to start a new bus route from nagawara junction to jayanagar ttmc 4th block via, shanti nagar, lalbagh, As there are many of people traveling to this places has to interchange the bus at shivajinagar, this route will benefit many of the students, and techies working at manyata tech park..
I request the concerned bmtc authorities to launch this new bus route..
Timing(s) : 9:00 AM -
More Buses Please: From Kaval Byrasandra (Towards Kaval Byrasandra) To Nagavara (Towards Junction of Nagavara)18 Sep, 2017More Buses Please: From Kaval Byrasandra (Towards Kaval Byrasandra) To Nagavara (Towards Junction of Nagavara)Bangalore Metropolitan Transport CorporationRoads, Traffic & TransportNeed a bus from Kavalbyrasandra to Nagavara
No regular supply of water(only twice a week)28 Aug, 2017No regular supply of water(only twice a week)Bangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardWater SupplyI am a tenant staying in gowdaru colony(PIN 560043). We are not getting adequate water supply, getting it twice a week as per house owner(Thursday and Sunday). And there seems to be tanker mafia operating in this area as they are charging extra(not sure if this is true).
I am a resident of HBR Layout 4th Block near Hennur Cross Bus stop and want to highlight that no garbage truck comes to my area. Please help me out for the same. I segregate the waste as per the rules.
Dear Sir(B. Govindaraju)-Honorable Councilor WARD24
Sir Our road on 6th Cross, Teachers Colony, HBR layout is badly damaged following recent rains making it difficult to use the road even for walking. More over this road was not laid thar while all other roads were relayed 3 months ago. Please kindly help us by laying thar to this miserable road immediately.
Residents of 6th cross, Teachers colony -
felling of tree30 Mar, 2014felling of treeBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesI request you to fell part of a tree by the side my house as it is causing trouble
Garbage heaps and collection near residences16 Feb, 2014Garbage heaps and collection near residencesBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationSir/Madam,
I am staying in Alpha Manor apartment which is on 10th Main, III Block, HBR Layout for the past 8 years.
The stretch on 10th main road is a mud road which is a collection centre for garbage disposal and collection for BBMP trucks.
This road is not developed inspite of nearby roads being tarred and is a dumping ground for garbage trucks. It poses a health hazard for many children and elders living in the locality.
If something could be done to stop this, please help. -
Stray Dogs in HBR layout25 Sep, 2013Stray Dogs in HBR layoutBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationStray dogs have become quite a menace here. They have grown in number and have started attacking people including children. It is really difficult to walk on these lanes specially during night time or early morning hours. The latest attack was on our cable guy who had to be hospitalized. Can the authorities please do something to curb this menace.
Shams -
Potholes on Hennur Road (Hennur-Bagalur Road)13 Sep, 2013Potholes on Hennur Road (Hennur-Bagalur Road)Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & TransportThe condition of the Hennur Road - just after the intersection with the Ring Road and near Hennur Bande - is very bad. The road is full of potholes which makes it very difficult for commuters.
Everyday hundreds of commuters use this road and it is also used as the International Airport Link Road.
Travelling on this road is a nightmare. One of these days there is going to be a major accident on this road. Why are we waiting for that to happen to fix the condition of the road.
We are all paying our taxes to the BBMP every year. What is the money being used for if the condition of our roads is allowed to be so bad? With the heavy rains, the condition of this road has been steadily deteriorating and now it is a MESS!
Please do something to repair the roads so that the commuters and pedestrians who are using this road everyday are not faced with this hardship everyday.
Travelling on a road that is FULL of potholes is bad for our backs and it is dangerous for 2-wheelers because when it rains all the potholes get filled with rainwater and you cannot see the potholes properly since the whole road gets flooded.
Kindly request the Corporator and the MLA of this Ward to take the necessary action urgently.
Thank you for your assistance in getting this problem resolved at the earliest.
No roads....13 Sep, 2013No roads....Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & TransportHope it does make a difference posting issues here... The HBR layout stretch (2nd block) has not been tarred since the time BDA made this layout (25+ yrs back). Repeated complaints to all concerned authorities have always fallen on deaf ears. Cant even think how much money has been siphoned off till date....
Extremely bad road12 Sep, 2013Extremely bad roadBangalore Traffic PoliceRoads, Traffic & TransportThe roads in certain parts of Bangalore have been getting progressively worse over the last few months. Incessant rains over the last couple of weeks have revealed the true condition of roads laid not so long ago. Poor quality of roads has resulted in massive potholes, usually ignored until some major accident or death occurs!
I request immediate action to be taken with regard to the state of the Hennur-Bagalur main road. There are certain stretches of this road that are fast becoming impossible for vehicles to use (particularly pedestrians). It has caused multiple minor accidents and falls over the last few weeks. The potholes have been getting larger and deeper. It's only a matter of time before some major tragedy occurs - please attend to it before that happens! -
Pathetic condition of the Hennur Main Road05 Sep, 2013Pathetic condition of the Hennur Main RoadBangalore Traffic PoliceRoads, Traffic & TransportThe road leading to HBR layout from Lingarajpuram is in such a bad condition that it is impossible for people to ride on the road. The potholes are so deep that a lot of people fall down or suffer from spinal injury due to the craters that are all along the road. There is some work going on at the junction on the ringroad and the entire place is so chaotic as traffic is moving in all possible directions. The road has been recently tarred and that too is so badly done that there are 3 different levels. This leads to water logging and further damage to the road. Please visit the area and ensure the citizens get a good road to travel in peace.
Drainage not cleaned hence lot of mosquitoes and dengue fever reported in hennur05 Sep, 2013Drainage not cleaned hence lot of mosquitoes and dengue fever reported in hennurBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardHealth & SanitationDrainage is not cleaned from may days so lot of mosquitoes are been raised. I request the concerned officers to kindly take necessary action to prevent the dengue fever in the locality.
Main Road filled with potholes23 Aug, 2013Main Road filled with potholesBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & TransportHennur Main Road filled with drainage water, no official is looking into this matter.. it's just for name sake to loot money. Officials and elected representatives loot cash from people and do not look in to the problem..
No proper trees planted and no proper road.. the new corporator is busy doing movies for his son instead of looking in then work he should do after getting elected. -
Bad Roads and drain system11 Mar, 2013Bad Roads and drain systemBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & TransportThe bustling Hennur main road is lacking basic amneties like ROAD. Though Tisa connecting road to the international airport less attention is paid ESP to the stretch between ORR and Hennur Cross. Real huge pot holes, poor drain system , untidy road side filled with papers and polythene. Hope the concerned authorities takes care of it at least before the elections.
Stray Dogs , Please Help31 Jan, 2013Stray Dogs , Please HelpBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationStray Dogs are getting increased in HSR 2nd Sector , 26th cross road , During nights it is not allowing resident to sleep , continously barking. No one from Corporation are coming for catching dogs , someone has to take steps , Please take steps .
No Roads in HBR Layout 5th Block21 Dec, 2012No Roads in HBR Layout 5th BlockBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & TransportIts been 3 years since we have been living in HBR Layout - near Lakshmi Kalyana Mantap, and no one has bothered to layout the roads and tar them. We have petitioned multiple times, however, to no result. The whole area lacks basic amenities required for decent living.
no proper road facility20 Dec, 2012no proper road facilityBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & Transportsince months together we have have contacted the bbmp for proper road facility in hbr layout 3rd cross shivramaiah layout .the 4th cross has already got a good concreted road so we wish and request you to full fill our problems concerning roads here in the 3rd cross .we expect a good concreted road ..as fast as possible for good transportation and travel ..as its really difficult to drive with 2 wheeler in the day and night as well ...TO THE CONCERN PERSON -BY ...the resident of hbr layout ,bangalore -SRI RAM .B
improper supply of water to hennur village26 Sep, 2012improper supply of water to hennur villageBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardWater Supplysince from my childhood there a big problem of water supply in hennur but no one till now has taken measures to slove that problem,there is no even single response to our complaints from our local leaders tell us to whom we should tell our problems..
improper supply of water to hennur village26 Sep, 2012improper supply of water to hennur villageBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardWater Supplysince from my childhood there a big problem of water supply in hennur but no one till now has taken measures to slove that problem,there is no even single response to our complaints from our local leaders tell us to whom we should tell our problems..
Potholes on Spl police station road25 Sep, 2012Potholes on Spl police station roadBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & TransportThere is no tar on the road, It looks like a mud road. All Manyatha tech part traffic runs on this road, and no one is looking into this issue. At least fill the potholes..
Mosquitoes in Hennur29 Aug, 2012Mosquitoes in HennurBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationDue to garbage in the area and Rain, there are lots of mosquitoes, causing Malaria and Dengue. many people are hospitalized. can the Govt try to Put Insecticides if they r not clearing Garbage. So people don't get effected from the harm full disease. near Good year English school were more than 500 students study is affecting the children's health so plz look into the matter and put some Insecticide, if elected people cant do any thing just avoid the future problems
No water supply in Teacher Colony since last year28 Apr, 2012No water supply in Teacher Colony since last yearBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardWater SupplyWe are living in a rented house in Teacher's Colony HBR layout since Sept. 2008. Earlier their used to be CMC water supply regularly. But since last year March 2011 that water supply is also blocked. We are buying water from Water suppliers and most of time water is dirty. But now water tankers are also charging unreasonable price.
The 80 feet road of HBR Layout ie., from BSNL Office to Nagawara Main, is occupied by many un-authorised garages. These have come up in the residential area that too developed by BDA These garages not only occupied entire foot paths and they even occupied majority of the roads for their activities. Further, they dump oil, spares and other unhygenic things in the road itself. Due to which, the residents of surrounding area, facing trafic and health problems. There is no safety for pedestrains. Representations to the representatives of the public are unheard at all.
Gutter cleaning behind Akshya Residency27 Mar, 2012Gutter cleaning behind Akshya ResidencyBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & Sanitationborewell water is geting overflowed by tanker usage and leakage. drains are not cleaned
I stay in 3rd cross ramachandrappa layout, kariyannapalya, There are no proper house numbers given by BBMP and a lot of people use the same survey numbers creating a lot of confusion. We will be very grateful if BBMP provides house numbers and address boads as they done it in other areas.
No Water Supply since 8 Feb24 Feb, 2012No Water Supply since 8 FebBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardWater SupplyWe are facing acute water shortage as we have not received any water since 8th Feb 2012.Can the concerned officials look into the issue at the earliest?

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HBR Layout
HBR Layout
HBR Layout
HBR Layout
HBR Layout

ash.mahesh@mapunity.in, Accepted, Apr 23, 2019