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Unsafe Children park18 Mar, 2014Unsafe Children parkBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesKUVEMPU PARK,RT NAGAR 2 BLOCK, WARD 46. All the facilities at the park are either destroyed or in a very bad shape. There is absolutely NO MAINTENANCE of the park.Children manage to play with the existing facilities and there is high possibility of them getting injured.
The maintenance person at the park runs his family (around 8 people)in the park and they have their things scattered all around. It looks like you are playing in front of their home and not in the park.
Kindly maintain the park so that children and people in the locality can make better use of it. -
Garbage and urination in front of home on no 58/1 muniswamappa road j c nagar Bangalore 6
UN HYGENIC PLACE TO LIVE27 May, 2013UN HYGENIC PLACE TO LIVEBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationGARBAGE IS NOT COLLECTED REGULARLY..It gets piled up and street dogs scatter it all around. The place is stinking because of the accumulated garbage. IS THIS THE SERVICE PROVIDED BY THE BBMP?
complete encrochment of footpath & road28 Nov, 2012complete encrochment of footpath & roadBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeCity Amenitiesthe person opposite to my house has constructed an compound on public road, he has encroached 3 feet, dew to which the road has narrowed down so much that even a car can not pass through easily

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Jayachamarajendra Nagar
Jayachamarajendra Nagar
Jayachamarajendra Nagar
Jayachamarajendra Nagar