
Borewell drilled at middle of the road29 Jul, 2016Borewell drilled at middle of the roadRoads, Traffic & TransportRespected Sir/madam,
They have driiled a borewell exactly at the middle of the road at pillanna garden 3rd stage 6 main road.i dont know who has done and who has given permission for this. I request you to kindly take nessesary steps on this. -
Saul kere lake01 May, 2014Saul kere lakeBangalore Development AuthorityEnvironment & Public SpacesDoes anyone know what is happening at Saul kere lake ?
See lots of dumping of mud in the lake bed area from nearby construction project. There is also a posibly illegal water boring and tanker supply business running.
Seems like a land grabbing case by some land builder.
Saul kere is the lake behind eco space on outer ring road on one side. On other side it has adarsh lake front and wipro corporate office . -
Garbage blocking the way to Sri Devaraj Urs Road24 Apr, 2013Garbage blocking the way to Sri Devaraj Urs RoadBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationThe garbage that is being dumped at Sri Devaraj Urs Road blocks the way to Sri Devaraj Urs Road residents. The garbage collection is done everyday around 8:00AM. Later the garbage gets collected from everywhere. People passing from the main road throw the garbage from their vehicles and fled away. It is highly difficult for the residents to move around. Kindly look into this matter at around 6:00PM.
Are you fixing these Issues05 Apr, 2013Are you fixing these IssuesBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeCity Amenities1.Road widening from Tannery Road to Nagawara is pending from eternity. 2.Bad Roads 3.Stray dogs menace with hundreds of Dogs in every street 4.Garbage is usually burnt but collected by contractors. 5.Water supply is always a challenge 6.Sanitary is a nightmare This area will be a nightmare with wide spread epidemic due to garbage & sanitary issues.
Garbage Collection Problem17 Jul, 2012Garbage Collection ProblemBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationHi, This is to inform that in our area that is Nehru street, venkateshpuram it is a shame to inform that nobody comes there for road sweeping and collecting garbage. If somebody complains about this problem the garbage collector comes for a week or so and then disappears again. Due to this problem people start throwing garbage near the bus stop where we are not able to stand as the smell is so horrible it feels like whatever we have eaten has to be thrown out.
So i please request you to arrange for sweeper ladies and garbage collectors. One big issue is that the garbage collector by chance if he comes to collect the garbage also they expect money from each and every house not once a week at least twice a week and they dont stop for even a few minutes. -
NO CAUVERY WAER SUPPLY12 Feb, 2012NO CAUVERY WAER SUPPLYBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardWater SupplySir/ Madam
I am a resident of p& t colony.From past 4 to 5 months it has been observed that there is no cauvery water supply. We are calling for the tractor thrice a month
This has been a big problem that we are facing in this area.
Can anyone of you address this issue.

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