Maruthi Mandir ward
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More Buses Please: From Pattegarpalya Circle (Towards Vijayanagara) To Vijayanagara TTMC (Towards Maruthi Mandira)31 Mar, 2018More Buses Please: From Pattegarpalya Circle (Towards Vijayanagara) To Vijayanagara TTMC (Towards Maruthi Mandira)Bangalore Metropolitan Transport CorporationRoads, Traffic & TransportNo frequent buses from Pattegarapalya Circle to Vijayanagar. None of existing buses come on time. During 7 AM to 9 AM many people will be waiting for buses. Majority are poor or middle class people. They cannot afford to pay for auto. Same case in evening. Huge crowd waits for buses from 5 PM to 8 PM from Vijayanagar to Pattegarapalya. New route could also be established. Buses from K.R. Market to Jalahalli/Peenya 248 series could also be en-routed via Pattegarapalya.
Timing(s) : 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 8:30 AM, 8:00 AM, 7:30 AM, 7:00 AM -
Park Wall May COLLAPSE on KIDS24 Oct, 2017Park Wall May COLLAPSE on KIDSBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeSafetyI have lodged 3 complaints with BBMP till now. 10643819, 10660201 & 10718671. But No action taken till now. Its Regarding the compound wall of Kid's play area - Amembal subba Rao Pai park, Canara Bank colony, Ward 126. BBMP has removed all soil from the basement of this wall & hence the wall is completely exposed without any root/foundation in soild. It has developed Massive Cracks & the wall might fall on INFANT KIDS any time. Please act Now & SAVE the KIDS lives.

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Maruthi Mandir ward
Maruthi Mandir ward
Maruthi Mandir ward