
Dear Sir,
There are few cows where the owner will leave the cows on the road for whole day and it will eat all the garbage on the road side and he will take the same cows in the evening for Milk and the same will be sold to the people. So please take an action against it. -
Garbage Collection25 Aug, 2015Garbage CollectionBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationPeople are dumping the garbage in road Corner i.e. in 2nd main Shiva Temple Road, Mathikere, this is causing health hazard and bad smell, hence request BBMP to take necessary action to avoid this and also clear the garbage regularly.
Garbage collector not collecting regularly04 Oct, 2014Garbage collector not collecting regularlyBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationGarbage collector is not collecting regularly in HMT Layout 6th cross near st.loudes school.
It's disgusting and horrible to report this issue it's being a such a menace that every house has a burrow digged and they are so big and scary.They enter buildings and ruin all the pots and uproot plants(3rd floor is the place where i have kept my pots) and make our daily life ,a living hell.And if door is open they take there leisure and unhesitatingly enter home there is growing number of mole and the flock is just getting bigger.Poisoning is not a solution as it might lead to some other serious issues as it's not a matter of one or two mole.It should be taken care by closing the Burrows scientifically so that these doesn't come up again.I guess concerned authority should give a thought on this as i am sure it's not a problem this area alone.......
No footpath and bad road10 Oct, 2013No footpath and bad roadBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & TransportBeside ramaiaha college pipeline road there is no footpath till ramaiaha hospital near signal . There is no footpath at all and road is too narrow to pass by as there are autos haunting all the while. The road conditions are pathetic too and no footpath. Please necessary actions to be taken
Cannot walk on road during rain22 Apr, 2013Cannot walk on road during rainBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardHealth & SanitationNear Mathikere, the flyover moving to BEL road..On the end of the fly over near MSR POST OFFICE during rainy season the rain water will be stagnant.. No drainage system for the water to move..We the people cannot walk during rains in that route... PLEASE Do it As SOON AS POSSIBLE...........
No road under flyover... how to walk??04 Apr, 2013No road under flyover... how to walk??Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeCity AmenitiesNear Mathikere there is a fly over which moves to the BEL Road, the SERVICE Road on only One side done. But on the other side its not at all done. How should we walk? On behalf of all the society I Request you to complete the Road work on the other side also.. Hope the sanctioned money for that road is not being utilized in elections!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We the residents in Mattikere, Near Ramaiaha samadhi, Venkatamma Ramaiah Layout, 4th cross, are facing trouble while moving on the road has the Tree branches grew long and are we are not able to walk. So Please TRIM the tree as soon as possible.
Ground Water Recharge26 Mar, 2013Ground Water RechargeBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardHealth & SanitationI Thank the Government for paving the arterial Roads beautifully. For unclogging the Drains and covering them up in an aesthetic manner. But in doing all this, we have made sure that the Rain Water has no chance to seep into the ground. And there are not many Open areas here in Mathikere Extension to aid the same. When I asked the Contractors while they were building the Drains as to why there are no 2 to 3 Water seepage Holes in every Road, he said that the People are not allowing them to Dig the Hole next to their premises. That is not a valid reason. Please look into this matter as this is going to be one of the major issues in the future.
Stagnant water18 Mar, 2013Stagnant waterBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardHealth & SanitationSir, one person in the area is storing water in front of his house on the footpath, which is now an open breeding ground for mosquitoes causing lot of danger to the health of people.
PATHETIC ROADS21 Feb, 2013PATHETIC ROADSBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & TransportDear Sir .
This is regarding the Pathetic roads of Mattikere extensions,especially the 4th main road .
It is since a very long time these roads were asphalted .
Request you to take up the issue.
mathikere subhas road is very much in poor condition
Clean the Lake in J P Park22 Jan, 2013Clean the Lake in J P ParkBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesThe lake at J. P Park is so dirty that we cant take a fresh breath in the park. its too dirty.... What is the use of making such a large park without proper cleaning. please clean the lake in J P Park so that we can breath in, little amount of fresh air.....
Garbage beside railway track.22 Jan, 2013Garbage beside railway track.Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationIn Mathikere, Venkatamma Ramaiah Layout, beside railway track there is lot of waste dumped it has not been cleaned. We the residents staying nearby the railway track on both the sides are facing lot of health problems because of garbage and no proper fencing done so far.
Road is on a Dilapidated satus05 Nov, 2012Road is on a Dilapidated satusBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & TransportDear Sir, I couldn't get better place to highlight issues in our area, please excuse if it is wrong forum. Our area was really good in terms of road condition is concerned, but lately all the roads in my locality has been dug up. All the debris strewn around and resulting dust is affecting people from all age groups. Roads resemble kucha roads, it is really bone breaking to drive or ride here, during rain roads is filled with slippery mud which has led to lot of injuries. Is it possible to at least remove the debris and make the road motor-able by leveling mould of debris in the area.
Dumping of garbage road corner - HMT layout21 Oct, 2012Dumping of garbage road corner - HMT layoutBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesPeople are dumping the garbage in road side i.e. in 14th main, HMT layout, Mathikere, garbage was left over for long time, this is causing health hazard and bad smell, hence request BBMP to take necessary action to avoid this and also clear the garbage regularly.
Dirty road in Mathikere.10 Aug, 2012Dirty road in Mathikere.Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeCity AmenitiesDear Sir/Mamdam Mathikere market road - here we are facing lot of problem. In front of my office there is bunch of covers and some rice past 3 to 4 days. Nobody is cleanng this road. Because of this no customer is coming to my office. You tell me how can I do business here? Please take care of this issue, it's our request sir....
Dumping of garbage27 Jun, 2012Dumping of garbageBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationGarbage is being dumped by BBMP workers on the road behind MS Ramaiah Boys Hostel. The road is wide and frequently used by 2 wheelers to connect to Mathikere bus-stop. The entire stretch of the the road behind the hostel is strewn with garbage. Today morning I saw BBMP workers dumping 4 cart loads of garbage just on the road without giving a heed to the passers-by. Concerned authorities kindly take action before the stink gives rise to diseases. Pl note a hospital is also there in the vicinity.
Garbage not collecting at Road Sides16 Apr, 2012Garbage not collecting at Road SidesBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationOn daily basis a lady comes to collect the house hold garbages and road side garbages.. But the road side garbage is not being cleaned . Even after several intimation to the lady, she is not bother to clean up the garbage on the road side.. This is facing a lot of problem to near by residency.. Pls take necessary action to maintain the road/Street free from garbage.

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