
water pipe leakage15 Mar, 2016water pipe leakageBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardWater Supplywater pipe leakage due to bescom work no proper guidlines sinces 4 days, All public peoples are facing water issue and small in water due to leakage,
No Roads and Street Lights23 Dec, 2014No Roads and Street LightsBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeCity Amenitiesat Vyalikaval HBCS Layout. ( behind the BEL Corporate Office), Near Veeranna Palya Signal, Opposite Manyata Tech Park.
On the HKBK Engineering College Road.
The Whole Area Has many Residential Houses. We have complained many times to BBMP , and all Govt Offices to have the proper Road and the Street Lights in this Area.
But the Complaint has fallen on Deaf Ears. It is very risky to walk in this Roads during the Night , As there are not even Single Street Light and No Proper Roads.
Please help to provide the Basic Facilities, like the Road and Street Lights. Please help us by Developing this Area.
Hope Funds must not be problem, as this Belongs to Home Minister K J George,
He has only Installed the Boards for the Each Roads and Streets. But the Road is Tarred almost 5 Years Back. Please give us the Basic Facilities, Like Street Light and the Good Roads.
No Playgrounds and parks07 Jan, 2014No Playgrounds and parksBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesThere is no playground or park for public located in and around Munishwara nagar.
Govt should come up with a solution to have such facilities. -
Shortage of water supply23 Jul, 2013Shortage of water supplyBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardWater SupplyWe have no regular water supply.
Plantation needed.23 Jul, 2013Plantation needed.Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesFor complete Munishwara nagar ward plantation is needed.
No Voter cards for major public located in Muneshwara nagar27 Jun, 2013No Voter cards for major public located in Muneshwara nagarBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeCity AmenitiesNo Voter cards & is not listed in the voters list for major public located in Muneshwara nagar.
Either its deleted or not listed in the voters list. -
No Public toilets in Muneshwara nagar26 Jun, 2013No Public toilets in Muneshwara nagarBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationThere is no public toilets in and around Muneshwara Temple.
No Public Toilets in Muneshwara nagar25 Jun, 2013No Public Toilets in Muneshwara nagarBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationNo Public Toilets in Muneshwara nagar surrounding.
Plantation needed for the entire ward25 Jun, 2013Plantation needed for the entire wardBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeEnvironment & Public SpacesPlease help in planting trees by the side of every street.
No Timely garbage collection25 Jun, 2013No Timely garbage collectionBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationThere is no timely garbage collect in this ward & also the garbage is steeped at one place which opposite to Munishwara Temple on the main road of Shampur main road.
want cauvery water supply25 Feb, 2013want cauvery water supplyBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardWater Supplyplease supply cauvery water for whole muneshwara nagar near sayeedia arabic college, bangalore-32
SIVARAJ ROAD 2nd cross, bad condition15 Dec, 2012SIVARAJ ROAD 2nd cross, bad conditionBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & Transportpls provide Sivaraj road 2nd cross,road condition is very bad.ward no.48.(muniswara nagar)this road not development in fast years.

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