
Burning of Garbage by Contractor in Williams Town, Pullikeshinagar03 Apr, 2016Burning of Garbage by Contractor in Williams Town, PullikeshinagarBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationGarbage contractor is burning garbage and causing serious health hazard, instead of collecting the garbage.
People are littering the place close to an unoccupied BBMP land. One of the main reasons is due to poor and very infrequent door to door collection.
Request you to insist on proper door to door collection and take serious action against garbage burning.
Also kindly put up a board indicating "Do not throw garbage here." and also indicating a fine.
We would be more than happy to provide status of garbage collection and also identify the people who are littering the spot. -
Parking near trafficlight/ stopping on zebra cro24 Dec, 2013Parking near trafficlight/ stopping on zebra croBangalore Traffic PoliceRoads, Traffic & TransportDear Sir
Sub: Violation of Parking near traffic light
Reff No.Notice No.8650612/6-12-2013.
I am Yogesh I need to details of violation particulars. And actual I am always mentioning traffic rulers by oversight made over rules traffic sorry for the subject. Please I want to proof.
No proper road and traffic rules: Tannery Main Road To Nagawara Main Road19 Sep, 2013No proper road and traffic rules: Tannery Main Road To Nagawara Main RoadRoads, Traffic & TransportHi every one, we have a major issue in our ward. First of all no auto rickshaw or car {cab} comes to tannery road due to the traffic, and there is no improvement in road. I hear only that the road is going to expand since 20 years. All of us are ready to expand the road and better improvements . Please find some solution to this problem .
No Road at all24 May, 2013No Road at allBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & TransportWe don't have any roads at all, The modi Garden area is totally ignored, The Army does not allow us to use the road to go to KB SANDRA and we don't have any road. There is small mud road that is accessible, however the road is in such a bad condition that no one can move even bike two wheeler have great difficulty in passing by that road. In addition we don't have any water whatsoever.
Drainage issue02 Apr, 2013Drainage issueBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardHealth & SanitationIam the resident of Pllikeshi nagar and have been staying here from last 20years. We the resident of Pulikeshi nagar are facing drainage problem and it goes above our heads when ever rain comes. The water comes out from the drainage and gets into our houses and the remaining drainage water remains on the roads for next 3 to 4 days. Its been a great risk of getting several dangerous diseases like dangu and maleria due to this problem. We have been complaining about this issue to the BBMP staff but no result came out. The problem is not only wit the drainage system, even the roads are not been reconstructed from several years, specially with the 12th cross. We request you to please look into this matter.
Storm water drain remodeling10 Mar, 2013Storm water drain remodelingBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardHealth & SanitationThe storm water drain behind Ahmed Sait road has been remodeled. However, the drain is nothing but a pile of sewage water, garbage dumping ground (mosque road junction opposite Muhammad khan jewelers). People continue to dump garbage, pee, and sodmize and gamble due to the open drain. Lot of diseases are rampant in the area due to mosquitoes, garbage and sewage water. Could this drain be closed and the tender contract awarded to remodel and relay new drains be accomplished. It has been pending for 9 moths and the work is half done, very shameful
Re-laying of road -Ahmed Sait road10 Mar, 2013Re-laying of road -Ahmed Sait roadBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & TransportAhmed Sait road has been totally dug up for past 7 months to relay the stor water drains . ll other roads have been tarred but for Ahmed Sait road. The road condition is pathetic with the road caved in at multiple places causing serious injury and harm to residents. We have approached the corporator mr Zakir but to no avail.
Mosquito breeding in drainage05 Dec, 2012Mosquito breeding in drainageBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardHealth & SanitationHello BBMP
There is a drainage system in front of my house and now there is water collecting there and we are not able to do anything. This water gets stagnant and the mosquitos start breeding. Already in last one month I had Dengue and my roommate has got Malaria now. We are very scared of the mosquito's now because of this.
Please help us out by giving us a solution to this problem.
Dikshith Rodrigues
No proper water supply20 Nov, 2012No proper water supplyBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardWater SupplyThere has been no proper water supply for many years.... inspite of complaints no action has been taken yet... they say that they are some problems with regards to the piping which supplies water but no action is taken so far....
Please take immediate action to sort this out.... -
Fresh water has been leaking near KFC on Ahmed Sait road for several days. thousands of litres have just flowed down the drain. The pipe needs to be repaired immediately
There is a vacant plot on Davis Road Ward No 60, measures about 20,000 sft and is worth at the present market value at 20 Crores. The plot in question belongs to the BBMP as has been lying in the present vacant conditions since 1955, though various persons have laid claims to the same.
The lower courts have ruled the case in favour of the BBMP. One fails to understand as why the Revenue Department as well as the Estate officer of the BBMP dont pursue this matter and take over the plot.
Currently it is being used as a garbage and debris dump and a public urinal. This has been brought to the notice of the concerned area officials of the BBMP. There are apartment blocks on either side and opposite the plot and a convent on the western side, the residents have been facing the problem of the plot being used as a urinal etc for years on end.
A tender for 10 Lakhs was floated by the BBMP recently to fence off the area till the matter was resolved in the courts - but no work has commenced at the ground level.
It has come to the notice of the residents that there was as attempt made by some people to register the plot in their name which was foiled by the Revenue Department.
The Estate Department shd pursue this case and this vacant plot could be an ideal location for a Bangalore-One type of office for the area.

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