
Rash Driving near siddapura whitefield13 Nov, 2015Rash Driving near siddapura whitefieldBangalore Traffic PoliceSafetyThere is an large increase of rash driving on Nelluralli-Siddapura road which connects itpl at one end to Shell petrol bunk. The road has been recently developed. A number of people travel this road either by foot or by two/4 wheelers. The taxis mainly of itpl which transport staff race each other on this road with no care on the safety of anyone. It's more like it's their private race track. Many points on this road are not wide enough for pedestrians to escape them.This is a disaster waiting to happen with someone getting killed.already many street dogs have been unfortunately run over with no one to speak on their behalf I hope someone does respond seriously on this in time. I hope no family loses a member because of some nut case driver having fun at their expense.
Poor condition of roads in Siddapura01 Sep, 2015Poor condition of roads in SiddapuraBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & TransportThe road next to Shell Petrol bunk which connects most of the parts of whitefield and is mostly taken during the wee office hours is in a worse condition since 2 months.
There seem to be some work going on there but is at a damn slow pace and is creating inconvenience to pedestrians and drivers.
The size of the stones which are laid out on 1Km stretch of the road are big enough for any vehicle to tumble and cause serious injuries.
Therefore I sincerely request to look into the matter and speed up the process of construction of the road. -
Poor condition of approach road to EPIP04 Feb, 2013Poor condition of approach road to EPIPBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & TransportHave you ever tried getting on the Siddapura Road from the Whitefield main road to reach EPIP Phase II, Whitefield Industrial Area?
Crossing this stretch will take good 20 mins during peak office hours. Condition of this road has gone from bad to worse and none from the related civic agencies seem to notice this pain all commuters go thru every day!! This stretch has couple of speed breakers with lots of pot holes at the junction that connects Siddapura, Nellurahalli, Borewell road and navigating these will result in a pile up most of the times. To add to the woes are the vehicles from cross roads who take the wrong side of the road to avoid pot holes leading to a chaotic situations daily. Not sure how many minor accidents occur along this stretch!!
Need of the hour is to asphalt the road & post a policeman during peak hours to regulate the movement of vehicles on these narrow roads. It’s high time the concerned civic agency wakes up and takes action to give some relief to commuting public along the stretch.

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