
Pollution in Ullalu lake11 Apr, 2018Pollution in Ullalu lakeBangalore Water Supply and Sewerage BoardHealth & SanitationUllalu lake was renovated some 5 years ago, but the inflow of the drainage into the lake has not stopped. This has resulted in bad smell and algal bloom for surrounding areas . To make the matters worse They are building a sewage pipeline right inside lake which will result in more mantainence and loss of taxpayer money in the future.
The drainage pipeline is terminated in rajakaluve which will result in bad smell and mosquitos problem for sorrounding population as the rajakaluve is uncovered.
Also they dug up the rajakaluve gate in the months of September 2017 which resulted in heavy loss of fresh water in lake from rains, which will result in no water in the summer.
Will they be accountable to pump the freshwater back into the lake?
Request you to change the route of the drainage or extend the drainage pipe line till a place where there is no population.
Request your intervention here asap. -
WATER POLLUTION IN ULLAL LAKE28 Aug, 2016WATER POLLUTION IN ULLAL LAKEEnvironment & Public SpacesRespected sir/madam, so many days over the ullal lake was polluted with drainage water and its stinking very badly and also so much off algal blooms appears on the surface of the water if it is leaves like that, that will be problematic in future kindly take a immediate decision and clean up the lake.
Thanking u sir/madam -
Drainage leak on the road from Chitrakoota school to Dubasipallya Lake16 Aug, 2016Drainage leak on the road from Chitrakoota school to Dubasipallya LakeBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardHealth & SanitationThere is a drainage that comes across when you go from chitrakoota school to Dubasipallya lake, one of the manhole is always overflowing aand the water from the drain is spilled on to the road, this road is used by lot of school kids and general public, during rain this part of the road becomes unusable. It also stins and causing grave health concern.
bad roads in Dubasipalya06 Mar, 2016bad roads in DubasipalyaBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & Transport3rd Cross, Dubasipalya, N K Farm is not tarred. Uneven road and full of stones.
Garbage Collection03 Mar, 2016Garbage CollectionBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeCity AmenitiesThere is no regular garbage collection happening @ Upkar Residency RTO road. Even though the garbage is kept segregated for days together, the bbmp collects it as and when they like. This is leading to a lot of inconvenience and these days people have started throwing the garbage near the lake or empty plots. With elected members sitting quiet on this issue and "bbmp.sahaaya.in" portal removed on purpose by bbmp, this has become a major health concern.
Need a street light urgently01 Sep, 2015Need a street light urgentlyBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeCity AmenitiesA month back we have got new the electricity pole. The issue is the pole is not connected to another adjoining pole. Which is at present a dummy one. We had requested the line man to provide the electricity. But no one is bothered. Lot of chain snatchers are around, no safety. In our cross at present there is only one street light. Need your help in getting one more on priority
Street lights are not working27 Nov, 2014Street lights are not workingBangalore Electricity Supply CompanyPower SupplyDear sir,
This is Sunil Naik M residing at #1680, 5th block, SMV layout, Ullala Main road, Manganahalli cross,Near vidyanikethana school. Bangalore 560056
Problem is most of the street lights are not working.
Pleasae check and clear issue.
Thank you sir.
Sunil Naik M -
main road enchroched25 Aug, 2013main road enchrochedBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeRoads, Traffic & Transportmain road encroached near KCHS lay out building is under construction, about open ,cant go bmtc buses and other vehicles,please see the problem,so many times complaint to the BBMP concers no body is taking action
Road are Untarred and full of stones17 May, 2013Road are Untarred and full of stonesBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeCity AmenitiesRoads in Maruthinagara are untarred and they are covered with plenty of stones. If rain comes its highly difficult to walk on those roads, so please look onto that issue and tar the roads.
Kaveri water in RR layout09 May, 2013Kaveri water in RR layoutBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardWater SupplyThe water lines had been laid for the last 2 yrs. why no water supply in Updahaya layout next to RR layout.
Open Man Holes17 Sep, 2012Open Man HolesBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardHealth & SanitationDue to loaded lorry movements in Bhagirata layout (Sampige Sreenivasa temple Street), Concrete Cap of Drainage chamber was broken & some one has placed bigger size cap which will not suite to the chamber & when any vehicles moves cap get displaced & always chamber will beopen.This is right in front of house no#29 & this is kept unattended since a year. Ther are many Kids in this road & this open drainage causes serious health issue. Can BBMP look into this issue on priority basis?
To install a new street light in 1st a main road upkar layout25 Jul, 2012To install a new street light in 1st a main road upkar layoutBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeCity AmenitiesWe have recently built our house. #312, 1st a main road, south block, upkar layout, ullal, bangalore 91. We need a new street light to be installed.
I would like to inform to the concerned authorities that the Underground Drainage Lines(UGD) being laid in SMV Layout 3rd block ( behind amma ashram ) is partially complete and stagnant water is causing fear of health issues. Also preventing site owners from building houses in this block.

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ash.mahesh@mapunity.in, Accepted, Apr 22, 2018