
No electricty for past 36 hours07 Sep, 2015No electricty for past 36 hoursBangalore Electricity Supply CompanyPower SupplyWe have no power in the building. KEB has been promising to send someone for past 36 hours. No one has turned up. Unable to reach MLA or Corporator
Bus Break Noise26 Aug, 2013Bus Break NoiseBangalore Metropolitan Transport CorporationRoads, Traffic & TransportThe break noise from the buses on the Old Airport Road are to irritating. Can these buses be maintained properly??
Street light not working31 Jan, 2013Street light not workingBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeCity AmenitiesStreet light not working.
After completing sewage pipeline work , back filling is not done properly, not able walk during night as no street light is working -
weak electric pole22 Jan, 2013weak electric poleBangalore Electricity Supply CompanyPower SupplyFrom:
Chaithanya Welfare Association,Cheluvaiah Road,ramamurthy Nagar, BAngalore 16.
On old UCO bank street( jubilee school road ) near Vijaya bakery, there is an electric pole ( no: 10001321168 ) which is very old and weak.The reinforced Iron rods are seen outside.Many of the residents fetch water from a tap which is under this dangerous pole.
This pole is posing risk to the public and the residents nearby.
On behalf of all the residents I request the concerned authorities to replace the pole at the earliest.A picture is attached for reference pls.
Sign or address board on main & Cross roads03 Jan, 2013Sign or address board on main & Cross roadsBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeCity AmenitiesI'm a resident of kasturi Nagar, East of NGEF (Opp to FCI Godown). In my BDA layout none of the cross has the sign or address board displays the cross or main details. This cause inconvenience to the residents as well as the visitor/guest or even for the taxi's to locate our houses. Hence Sign Boards for each cross roads have to be erected in the entire layout. Request to take up the same immediately
A dead cow is lying off the railway track03 Jan, 2013A dead cow is lying off the railway trackBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationOn sunday,30.12.2012, a dead cow from some other area had been dumped off the railway track at NR Layout,Vijinapura.Even after informing the concerned persons no action is being taken and somebody has put some soil and rubbish over it and its smelling like hell and since the level crossing is also closed for the subway construction,that is the only road that all people use and it is spreading diseases.So can you please remove the dead body from there as early as possible.
Garbage Collection not happening on daily basis03 Jan, 2013Garbage Collection not happening on daily basisBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeHealth & SanitationGarbage Collection is not happening on daily basis. Every time I need to call the BBMP contractor Mr. Srinivas through his mobile number: 9741904144. Also the persons from Vijinapura are dumping all sorts of garbage near the railway track. Photos can be seen in the website - http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBMP-Speak-on-Solid-Waste-Management/364261033651327?fref=ts
Risky Transformer erection28 Nov, 2012Risky Transformer erectionBangalore Electricity Supply CompanyPower SupplyOn TENT road( Ramamurthy nagar) there is a transformer erected on Two poles.The poles have become very weak and they are leaning due to the weight of the transformer.I request the concerned department to do the needful in the interest of the life of the residents surrounding.A photo is uploaded for your reference.
On Ramamurthy magar main road,parking is on alternate days.On even dates people cannot park their vehicles near UCO bank, as the vegetable vendors have occupied the complete stretch of road in front of UCO bank and Nursing home.I request the traffic department to handle this issue at the earliest.
Stray dogs are a menace on Cheluvaiah Road.Out of the lot, one particular dog chases everyone pedestrians and bikers who passes by.This dog has bitten three people so far.After informing BBMP they were caught and brought back after sterilisation.But they continue to chase people.
People are afraid to walk.Some people are ready to kill them, but law stops them.Most of the dogs sleep near my house, i.e almost dead end of the road and therefore we have sleepless nights.I suggest the management to remove these dogs from here please.
We also feel that garbage collection in the morning is at the wrong time in the morning making traffic blocks.
Kindly look into the matter and do the needful. -
water problem in giddamma layout21 Dec, 2011water problem in giddamma layoutBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardWater SupplyThere is no water supply from almost 2 years. many are depending on private water suppliers and paying more money, few are using there own bore wells.

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