
More Buses Please: From Shanthi Talkies (Towards Nagasandra Circle) To T John College (Towards Gottigere)29 Aug, 2018More Buses Please: From Shanthi Talkies (Towards Nagasandra Circle) To T John College (Towards Gottigere)Bangalore Metropolitan Transport CorporationRoads, Traffic & Transport,
Timing(s) : 8:00 AM, 7:30 AM -
More Buses Please: From CS-Avalahalli BDA park (Towards Muneshwara Block) To South End Circle (Towards Nanda Talkies)24 Aug, 2018More Buses Please: From CS-Avalahalli BDA park (Towards Muneshwara Block) To South End Circle (Towards Nanda Talkies)Bangalore Metropolitan Transport CorporationRoads, Traffic & Transportplease send us busses consider our request......
Raw sewage on 5th main, 18th cross. 3rd block Jayanagar20 Sep, 2013Raw sewage on 5th main, 18th cross. 3rd block JayanagarBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardHealth & SanitationThere is a pool of raw sewage in front of my clinic at the above mentioned location. I have contacted BWSSB AE Mr Prakash, Contractor Mr Muralidhar,repeatedly since the past 4 weeks.They have inspected the place and find that raw sewage from an old pipeline is collecting here.They keep promising to solve the problem but to no avail.I am an eye doctor and patients with poor eyesight come to me.I am worried about their hurting themselves by stepping into this mess. My repeated complaints and requests have fallen on deaf ears.
Road Sweepers03 May, 2013Road SweepersBangalore Water Supply and Sewage BoardHealth & SanitationI am resident of 6th Cross, 7th Block,Jayanagar of Yediyur Ward.The whole street of 6th cross was damaged during repairing the sanitary pipes and the contactor who did the job, left the road without properly filling and repairing after the digging work was completed, resulting in a lot of uneven path and heeps of ups and downs on the road left obstructing the vehicle users' safety. Apart from this, the road/street sweepers take advantage of the situation for not doing their job properly. Also the sweepers demand and collect money every month from individual houses for none of the sweeping work done on the streets. Of course the van collects the garbages and accumulations left in front of gate regularly without fail AND WE APPRECIATE THE VAN SERVICES ARE EXTREMELY GOOD IN CLEARING WHEREAS THE SWEEPERS ARE ONLY A LIABILITY TO THE WARD. It is suggested to replace the sweepers of 5th and 6th cross with another team to monitor the sweeping work smoothly and coordinae with the van staff. It is also requested to maintain a diary of work satisactory report by the Supervisor of the ward in charge of sweepers making it mandatory. Also, it is better, the supervisor meets the residents at random and collect confidential report of the sweepers' adamannt nature of not doing work and collecting money. I think that they are salaried persons.
Uprooted Tree fallen down on the road not cleared02 May, 2013Uprooted Tree fallen down on the road not clearedBangalore Traffic PoliceRoads, Traffic & TransportA Big Rubber Tree just by the side of Mini Balabhavan Park on Kanakapura Road at 7th Block,Jayanagar on the 6th Cross Road near the Bus Stop, was uprooted abut 5 days back and had fallen on the road (6th cross)damaging the southern side fence of Mini Balabhavan.The Electricity poss and wires have also been affected. The subject road is completely blocked and passerby people try to enter in betweeen the fallen tree to reach the main road ahead which is highly dangerous as proximity of getting shock is sure as the electric cut open wires fell on the broken tree. No action has been taken till today and the concerned officers may be concentrting on election.But, once the people are surviving they can assume the vote. Why cann't he authorities taken immediate action to clear the tree and make free entry on the road. S.Ramanujam Advisor: Strategy & Contrivance Freelance entrepreneur 6th Cross,7th Block,Jayanagar,Bangalore560070 Mob.9986364875 Email:ramanujam2k@gmail.com
INCREASE THE NUMBER OF PUBLIC USE TOILETS30 Apr, 2013INCREASE THE NUMBER OF PUBLIC USE TOILETSCity AmenitiesThere are many Parks located in all the areas of Yediur Ward. There is no facility of Public Toilets in Most of the Parks For example, the BIG LENGTHY PARK located in JAYANAGAR on both sides of the roads In between 4th and 5th cross(Earlier it was called Rose Garden and Nanda Talkies Road)The subject park covers up the area of 4th,5th 6th 7th 8th Block of Jayanagar. Lot of morning and evening walkers use the park and there are about 500 people make their walking on the stretchs daily.It is sad to note there is not even a single Toilet in the nearest vicinity of the park resulting to lot of inconvenience to the users for geting relieved them selves of nature calls and ultimately end up using the roadside compounds with guilty concious. It is suggested, that every Park is upgraded with the facility of 'Pay and use' Toilets atleast for a distance of one kilometre. Most of the aged person can not control as they may be sugar patients or with some health problems.Further, the toilet provided in Yediur Lake Park is not at all maintained well.Also, there was a Toilet which is placed inside the Mini Bhalabhavan @ 7th Block,Jayanagar on Kanakapura Road, is not made visibale to poublic as it is provided inside the compound of the play Ground and any given time it is being used as shelter to the watchman for housing his family. This is very serious, Please take appropriate action and make it for public usage.
Water and toilets, not clocks20 Feb, 2013Water and toilets, not clocksEnvironment & Public SpacesWhat is the necessity to build such clocks, spending a lot of money, I go walking regularly to yedyuir lake, I find no dinking water facility and toilet for old person and also children.
Garbage Dumping by Pallava Terrace in vacant site08 May, 2012Garbage Dumping by Pallava Terrace in vacant siteBruhat Bangalore Mahanagara PalikeCity AmenitiesThere is a vacant land behind our apartment.The Pallava terrace is an apratment which is adjecent to our apartment. Instead of disposing the garbage through the right channel they are dumping all the garbage in the vacant site. I would request you to take action.
I request authorities to visit the area of jayanagar 6th block which is very pathetic the water supply is very bad and once it comes and stops for a week and there is no submerged water(Borewell) sources for entire area. There are few houses which they have there borewells and many don't have. It is become very difficult to lead day to day life.
The entire area is dug by civil and the roads are pathetic.

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